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与志趣相投的人建立联系Network with like-minded people

我们情趣相投。We are temperamentally compatible.

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在喧闹的房间中,四目相投的时候给她眨眼示意。Wink at her from across a crowded room.

友情是知趣相投的共享。Friendship means sharing same interests.

阿瑟,我也是这样的,因此我们俩肯定意趣相投。But so am I, Arthur. So we're sure to agree.

要不然就只是和自己趣味相投的人混在一起。and you only mingle with people of your type.

与一群智取相投的作家一起做头脑风暴。Brainstorm with a group of like-minded writers.

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意气不相投的室友们经常争吵。The uncongenial roommates were always fighting.

人们通常喜欢与志趣相投的人呆在一起。Like people like to spend time with like people.

一些志趣相投的人聚在一起,成立了一个小组。Some like-minded people got together and set up a group.

经常和一些志趣相投的人聚聚。Get together often with like-minded people – see Mastermind.

你应该挑个和你意气更相投的人同住一室。You should choose a roommate more compatible to your tastes.

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啊,谢谢你。我期待着和一个,嗯,心灵相通、志趣相投的人交流沟通。Ah. Thank you. I look forward to communing with a, um, kindred spirit.

与他趣味相投的朋友包括现在声名卓著的艺术家德迦、莫奈和塞尚。Among his cohorts were the now-famous artists Degas, Monet and Cezanne.

这三个女孩子志趣相投,总在一起。The three girl always stay together. They form a very close-knit group.

如果你生活在性情不相投的人们中间,你就当用爱心去战胜他们。If you must live with uncongenial people, set to their conquest by love.

因情趣相投,他和一个年纪相仿的男人成为莫逆之交。Because congenial delight, he and a similar age man become true friendship.

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让我担忧的是这可能导致出现一群志趣相投的读者。What worries me is that this may result in an audience of like-minded readers.

他最喜欢动物邮票,他喜欢结交情趣相投朋友。He liked most animals stamps, he likes to make friends with like-minded friends.

运气好的话,还可以结交到志趣相投的朋友呢!If you are lucky enough, you may also reap good friendships during the exchange!