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是啊,雨势实在很大。Yeah, it rains a lot.

雨势已减弱。The rain has eased off.

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雨势永不会减弱吗?Will the rain never let up ?

连续五天的雨势酿成了水患。Five straight days of rain caused flooding.

五月至九月间多雨,有时雨势颇大。May to September more rain, rain quite big.

这场比赛因为雨势太大而提早结束。The game was brought to a premature end by heavy rain.

数番雨势随风去,一片秋光入座来。Number of rain with the wind to fan, one seat to Autumn.

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从中午1时许开始,雨势瞬间加大。At noon at about 1 from the start and the rain instant increase.

每年春天,强烈的雨势都会带来严重的洪水。The heavy rains we have each spring bring about serious flooding.

另外,入夜和雨势也使救援工作进展缓慢。In addition, night and rain also made slow progress in rescue work.

但是有许多人不畏雨势,去经验天空在几分钟内从光亮变成黑暗。But many braved the rain to experience the sky turning from light to pitch darkness in minutes.

截至记者发稿时止,长沙的雨势稍有减弱,但城区一些路段积水仍未退去。At press time, stop, changsha city, but a slight rain down some section water is still not recede.

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百多名救援人员在该条河流和附近一条河流展开搜索,受雨势和浓雾所阻,搜索工作进行得不太顺利。Rain and fog yesterday hindered the search operation by hundreds of rescuers around the river and a nearby river.

开始时,从放射性云下沉的小水滴使雨势增大。In its early stages the rain was augmented by the small water droplets still descending from the radioactive cloud.

由于雨势太大,不少午餐完毕的白领无奈只得躲在餐馆,望“雨”兴叹。Due to the rain is too big, many white-collar but finished lunch had to hide in the restaurant, at the "rain" were left feeling useless.

随后的这几天,天气一直不好,但雨势有所减小,不影响到投注站买彩票。Afterward these days, the weather was not good, but the rainfall intensity has reduces, does not affect to the bookie buys the lottery ticket.

天文台设于大老山的天气雷达,能监察香港约500公里范围内的降雨区,和估计雨势及雨区的移动。The Observatory's weather radar system at Tate's Cairn detects rain within about 500 km of Hong Kong and gives estimates of rain intensity and movement.

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在第七弯的时候下了几滴雨,幸好雨势没有加大,我完成了比赛而没有遇到任何麻烦。At Turn Seven and in the final sector there were a few drops of rain, but luckily it did not get worse and I was able to finish my run without any bother.

我们部门收到通知,最近雨势由于强烈,木坝的一些地方爆破,在下游地方造成木屑堆积和洪灾。The Department has been informed that one or both of the dams partially failed during a recent rain event, causing debris and flooding at downstream locations.

今天雨势稍微减缓,本来以为会是阴暗的一天,但后来在偶然的情况下看到退居云后的蓝天。There were indeed showers these days, but this afternoon the rain stopped. I thought that it would just be a cloudy day, but actually I got the chance of seeing the blue sky by chance.