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从松软的土地到坚实的岩坻。from hollow ground to sturdy.

黑色像石油一样松软。Black is runny like, well, oil.

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他们大步走在松软的草皮上。They strode over the springy turf.

我们走过松软的草地。We walked across the springy grass.

我们脚下的土踩上去很松软。The soil felt soft beneath our feet.

在质地松软的岩石上形成许多深槽。Deep grooves channeled the soft rock.

层序I,为全新世松软沉积物。Sequence I is Holocene softy sediment.

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那台压路机把松软的土碾平了。The road roller crushed the soft dirt.

皮质的松软与不锈钢边干练的点缀。Soft leather and capable stainless steel.

大雨使那个跑马场变得松软。The heavy rain made the course ride soft.

我就要法式松软干乳酪。I'll take French Camembert cheese, please.

他的脚稍微陷入松软的地面。His foot sank slighty into the soft ground.

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她说那些肌肉就像云朵一样轻柔松软。She said they felt like clouds, light and fluffy.

松软,毛茸茸的软垫引人极想在上面坐坐。Loose, brushy soft mat is fetching long above sit.

一头雄卡莫德熊准备在松软的苔藓上打个盹儿。A male Kermode bear prepares for a nap on soft moss.

在松软岩层中最常用的是钢砂钻头。Drag bits are used most commonly in soft formations.

煤层为高瓦斯、松软、易燃厚煤层。The coal layout is high gas , soft and flammability.

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饺子通常要加一点松软干酪。Usually they'd be made with a bit of cottage cheese.

我们在黑暗中,在松软的砂砾上不停地走啊走。We walk on and on in the dark over the loose gravel.

松软的地面可能减轻了一部分冲击力。The soft ground may have absorbed some of the impact.