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延误使他们战败。The delay lost them the battle.

品质零缺点、交期零延误!Quality zero defect, zero delay!

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我的航班在芝加哥延误了。My flight was delayed in Chicago.

延误让伯莎十分恼怒。Bertha was exasperated at the delay.

你不可以延误送药的时间。You can't delay sending the medicine.

没有停机坪延误,没有哭喊的婴孩儿。No tarmac delays, no screaming babies.

公车遇到长达五英里的交通堵塞,延误了。The bus was delayed in a five-mile jam.

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被亲蔑的爱情和痛苦,法律的延误The pangs of despis’d love, the law’s delay

我还在办公室,会议延误了。I'm still at the office. The meeting ran late.

如果袭击被了阻止或者被延误,又会怎样?What if the attacks had been foiled or bungled?

大雾和清雪造成陕西交通中断,航班延误。Heavy fog, snow disrupt traffic in northwest China.

我必须指明再延误就要吃大亏了。I must point out that further delay will be unwise.

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我必须指明再延误就要吃大亏了。I must point out that further delay would be unwise.

因此留有许多讨价还价的余地和延误。That leaves plenty of scope for quibbling and delay.

趼有的航班都因为这场大雾延误了。All the flights are delayed becaU3e of the heavy fog.

那要归咎于费用超支和生产延误。That's because of cost overruns, delays in production.

一些分析师已在预测交货延误。Some analysts are already predicting delays in delivery.

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所有这些措施必须及时完成,不得延误。All these measures must be carried through without delay.

在机场没有延误,这一路也很舒适。No holdups at the airport, and the flight was comfortable.

由于地面有雾,本次班机将延误约两小时。The flight will be delayed about 2hours due to ground fog.