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许昌裕昌畜牧有限公司。Xuchang yuchang stock farming co. ltd.

为了需要他的鞋带,他投机在畜牧之中。To get his shoestrings he speculates in herds of cattle.

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我国是世界畜牧起源中心之一。China is one of the cradles for animal husbandry in the world.

山东省无棣县是一个畜牧大县。The Wudi county of Shandong province is a big livestock county.

在满屋的笑声中,畜牧局长的脸红了。In the laugh of houseful, the face of pasturage director is red.

畜牧水产养殖已成为湖南农村的第一大产业。Pasturage aquiculture already made the biggest industry of Hunan country.

在畜牧技术和兽医学方面,都有一些新突破。A number of technologies were created in husbandry and veterinary medicine.

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二是对坝上地区农作物种植、畜牧养殖缺乏科学的规划。Second, there is no scientific planning of agriculture and animal husbandry.

三加快发展畜牧业是畜牧强市的需要。The need that accelerating development stock raising is pasturage strong city.

欢迎光临河北双鸽美丹畜牧科技有限公司网站!Welcome to the Web of Hebei Double Pigeon Meidam Livestock Science&Technology Co.

公司现有高级畜牧及相关专业人员16人。Company existing high-level raising livestock and correlation specialist 16 people.

在畜牧和生物试验中,需预先估计试验所需的样本大小。Sample sizes should be dicided before an experiment in animal science was conducted.

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全球畜牧部门发展迅速,其速度超过任何其他农业分部门。The global livestock sector is growing faster than any other agricultural sub-sector.

这是一个生育节日,献给罗马的畜牧农林神福纳斯。And this was a fertility festival, dedicated to Faunus , the Roman god of agriculture.

欢迎光临河北双鸽美丹畜牧科技有限公司网站!Welcome to the Web of Hebei Double Pigeon Meidam Livestock Science&Technology Co. Ltd.

为了要保护樱花钩吻鲑,武陵农场场方已决定不再进行畜牧。In order to protect the salmon , Wuling Farm has decided not to practice farming anymore.

菏泽是全国著名的粮棉、畜牧、林果、瓜菜、花卉生产基地。It is a famous production base of grain & cotton, livestock, fruit, vegetable and flower.

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于是,这一时期人类开始了原始农业和畜牧饲养的生产型经济。Thus, the age of productive economy of primitive agriculture and stockbreeding was coming.

奶制品和畜牧行业的农民信心分别上涨28点和15点。Dairy and livestock farmers have seen their confidence rise by 28 and 15 points respectively.

畜牧生产规模庞大,而且畜群在整个伊拉克和邻近国家迁移。Livestock production is extensive and herds migrate throughout Iraq and neighbouring countries.