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不要推辞义务。Don't shirk your responsibility.

马德兰伯伯又推辞了十字勋章。Father Madeleine refused the cross.

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他本来答应出席的,但后来却推辞了。He promised to attend but then begged off.

他问你能不能与他一起吃个晚饭,但你推辞了。He asks if you can join him for dinner, but you decline.

现在我有一件事求你,望你不要推辞。Now I have one request to make of you. Do not refuse me.

我想这应该是推辞的一种说法,就没当真。I think this should be finding a way of saying, no seriously.

老万也不推辞,又连干了两杯。Lao Wan doesn't refuse. He quaffs another two cups of liquor.

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拔示巴说,我有一件小事求你,望你不要推辞。I have one small request to make of you,' she said. 'Do not refuse me.'

在婚礼前的晚上,我决定借故推辞我朋友的邀请。The night before the wedding, I decided to call my friends and beg off.

我们不能推辞制定计划。大扫除日离现在只有两周了。We can't put off making a plan. Clean-up Day is only two weeks from now.

我礼貌的推辞了,感觉不到兴奋,也不觉被奉承,也不排斥。I politely decline, feeling neither excitement nor flattery nor repulsion.

伊丽莎白虽然预料到这种拜望不会有什么乐趣,可又没法推辞。Elizabeth could not refuse, though she foresaw little pleasure in the visit.

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艾梅开玩笑问我想不想进去某个店铺里,我推辞了。Aime jokingly asked if I wanted to go into one of the places, but I declined.

现在我有一件事求你,望你不要推辞。拔示巴说,你说吧。And now I ask one petition of thee, deny me not. And she said unto him, Say on.

“不,劳驾,您千万不要推辞,”萨沙继续嘟哝说,打开纸包。"No, please do not refuse, " Sasha went on muttering as he unpacked the parcel.

我们发出请帖后,收到的回复是七位接受,一位推辞。Since we sent out the invitations we've received seven acceptances and one refusal.

现在我有一件事求你,望你不要推辞。拔示巴说,你说吧。Now I have one request to make of you. Do not refuse me.' 'You may make it,' she said.

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曾念安谦虚的推荐韩金铨做老大,韩金铨努力推辞。Ceng Nianan modest recommended Han Jinquan do eldest brother, refuse Han Jinquan efforts.

韩金铨仍是努力推辞,韩志杰赶来听到,劝父亲不该推辞。Han Jinquan is still trying to delay, Jeff han came to hear, advised dad shouldnt refuse.

许仙想推辞,却见青青已经把瓜果菜肴摆上了桌。Xuxian wanted to refuse but Qingqing had allocated dishes and fruits on the desk swiftly.