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她的态度是轻率的。Her attitude was reckless.

不要轻率对待。Do not treat them flippantly.

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他后悔自己的轻率。He repented his thoughtlessness.

她是一个恋爱轻率的姑娘。She is a girl who loves unwisely.

你不该轻率地乱下结论。You should not jump at conclusion.

如此轻率是不可原谅的。Such indiscretion cannot be pardoned.

不相信,可却又信得轻率!Not to believe, and yet too credulous!

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你轻率的回答令我懊恼。The flippancy of your answer peeved me.

草轻率率谈恋爱,热得快也冷得快。Hasty love is soon hot and shortly cold.

他轻率地从比赛中退出。He withdrew precipitately from the race.

他从不轻率地谈论任何事情。He never speaks unadvisedly about anything.

他从来不轻率地谈论任何事情。He never speaks unadvisedly about anything.

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我无法按这样轻率的计划继续干下去。I declined to go along with such a wild scheme.

他轻率地回答了记者的问题。He answered the reporters' questions flippantly.

同时他也是一位轻率鲁莽而运气十足的冒险家。He was also a reckless adventurer who got lucky.

吾信任轻率之傻子而猜疑律师。I trust an indiscreet fool and suspect a lawyer.

他轻率的评论只是让法官更加愤怒。His flippant remarks only made the judge angrier.

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一味否认这一点是轻率和不切实际的。Insisting otherwise is imprudent and impractical.

轻率给少数人带来运气,却给大多数人带来不幸。To a few rashness bring luck, to most misfortune.

两人都对他们的损失归咎于德国轻率。Both men blame German imprudence for their losses.