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密信缝入他的腰带。Secret letters were quilted in his belt.

敌人搜他全身想找到那封密信。The enemy searched him through for the secret letter.

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我知道密信上说些什么,因为我在无人注意时瞧了一眼。I know what's in the secret letter, for I took a peep while no one was looking.

他喜欢谜语,而且他喜欢杀手寄来的密信。He's interested in puzzles and he's interested in the cyphers that the killer sends.

这里介绍一种制作密信的方法,这种方法使用了水印的技术。Here is an interesting way to write a "secret letter ". You do it with the help of watermarks.

密信邮件服务和基于关键词的垃圾信息过滤功能看起来都像是不错的功能。Both the DM email service and the keyword-based spam-blocking feature look like excellent ideas.

密信信号隐藏算法关系到信息隐藏系统许多重要设计目标的实现。Message embedding algorithm is the important factor for the performance of information hiding system.

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在其成为最终结果之前,我们需要先根据私密信息的隐私策略过滤邮箱列表。Before it becomes the final result, we need to filter the e-mail list by privacy policies of private information.

他会寄给旧金山时报密信。报纸印出来,成为当时一景。He would send cyphers to the San Francisco Chronicle, and they'd print them and it became kind of a phenomenon, yeah.

藏有密信的月饼是在八月的第15天送出的,因此这天就成了中秋节。The secret-laden cakes were delivered on the 15th day of the eighth month, which became the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

他们根据截获的俄情报机构发给其中两人的密信,找到了这些特工。In light of an intercepted confidential letter Russia's intelligence agencies sent to two of the indicted, they found these spys.

游客们可以取阅这两个空轮椅之间的密信,但也许会发现某一部轮椅正追随在他们身后。Visitors can pick up the notes and read the intimate correspondence of the two empty chairs, and may even find themselves followed by one.

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据说,在蒙古人统治时期,汉人利用藏有密信的月饼传递信息组织起义。Legend has it that mooncakes were stuffed with secret notes and passed out to Han Chinese rebels in order to organize a revolt against the Mongols.

袁术担心在徐州的吕布救援刘备,派人给吕布送去粮草和密信,要吕布按兵不动。For fear of Lü Bu in Xuzhou who might lend Liu a hand, Yuan wrote Lü a letter, together with many food supplies as gifts, asking him not to help Liu.

CNNIC宣称通过网址卫士的推出将解决在反钓鱼及保障用户私密信息的问题。CNNIC alleges pass network address bodyguard roll out will solve in the problem that combats secret information of fishing and safeguard user illicit.

当有用户收到密信时,SocialToo可以用SociaToo自己定制的邮件替换掉Twitter系统通常发出的默认邮件信息。SocialToo can now replace the default email messages that Twitter normally sends out when a user receives a DM with a customized email from SocialToo itself.

丰臣秀吉对小西的表现很满意,而小西却密信石田三成准备与朝鲜议和。Was satisfied with the performance of the small west, and the small west is a secret message ishida prepared with north Koreas Suggestions and thirty percent.

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用户可以从网上对文档进行搜索,编辑,以及添加标签,也可以通过网址,电子邮件,Twitter密信,聊天工具分享文档,如果你将文档限制在你的桌面上的话,你是没办法这样自由使用文档的。It's taggable, searchable, editable from the web, sharable through a URL or email or Twitter DMs or chat IMs, and usable in a way it would never be if it was trapped on your desktop.

不久,曹操又接到蔡氏兄弟的密信,说只要见到插有青牙旗的船只就是黄盖来投降了。Before long, Cao Cao received a letter from the two spies, saying "Look for a boat with a blue-GREen flag at the bow. That will be Huang Gai. " In Huang Gai's boat there were combustibles.

本文分析了隐藏算法参数调节、攻击规避和性能评估之间的关系,提出了以“性能评估—自动调节”为核心的密信信号隐藏技术框架。After analyzing the relationship among embedding parameters adjustment, attack elusion and performance evaluation, we construct an "evaluation -automatic adjustment" message embedding framework.