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鸟类是西尼罗河病毒的宿主。Birds are the reservoir hosts of WNV.

他们为肺癌吸虫的中间宿主。They are intermediate hosts of lung flukes.

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鸟类是西尼罗河病毒的自然宿主。Birds are the natural hosts of West Nile virus.

BRDH默许的是当前执行的宿主机。The default BRDH is the host where make is executed.

模拟器会消耗宿主系统的大量资源。The emulation drains much of host system's resources.

在这个阶段,真菌会用毒素杀死它的宿主。At this stage the fungususes a poison to kill its host.

设计器宿主是窗体设计器的核心。The designer host is the nucleus of the forms designer.

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但是灵长类并非博纳病毒的唯一靶宿主。But primates were not the only targets for borna viruses.

广宿主种及窄宿主种类均较多。There are many wide-host species and narrow- host species.

DLR宿主规格说明书已经发布了一个更新过的草案。An updated draft of the DLR Hosting Spec has been released.

寄生树的宿主有苹果树、菩提树、枫树和白杨。It can be found on apple trees, lindens, maples and poplars.

干扰素在功能上通常是宿主种特异性。Interferon is almost always host species-specific in function.

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结果宿主再共同进化出抵制它们的防御能力。And eventually the hosts coevolve defenses to repel them again.

心蠕虫感染可能导致宿主的严重疾病。Heartworm infection may result in serious disease for the host.

其他病毒和宿主因素不预测将来的ALT。Other viral and host factors were not predictive of future ALT.

设计器宿主是到设计时环境的挂钩。The designer host is the hook into the design-time environment.

结论附红细胞体的宿主特异性可被打破。Conclusion We can break the host's specificity of Eperythrozoon.

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宿主端适配器从外接程序的宿主视图中继承。The host-side adapter inherits from the host view of the add-in.

结论人鼠异基因移植物抗宿主动物模型复制成功。Conclusion The mice model for XGVHD was successfully constructed.

然而,这些环境的宿主和安全措施可能多种多样。However, the hosting and security of these environments can vary.