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我正在对它说悄悄话”。I was whispering into her mouth.

他在她耳边说着悄悄话。He whispered endearments in her ear.

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他在她耳边说著悄悄话。He whispered endearments in her ear.

姑娘们说着悄悄话,一路咯咯地笑。The girls whispered and gigged together.

她曾听到他对另外一个女孩说悄悄话。She once heard him whisper to another girl.


有些悄悄话要大声说。比如。我爱你。Some whisper to say. For example. I love you.

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那两个女孩子坐在角落里说著悄悄话。The two girls sat in a corner exchanging confidences.

饭后大家做游戏,阿迪亚提了悄悄话的游戏。We play games after the meal, aditya whisper to the game.

那些在角落说悄悄话的男孩们正在企图搞鬼。The boys whispering in the corner are brewing some mischief.

又像谁在清纯的少女耳旁说了一句悄悄话,少女突然羞红了脸。And like a virgin who on ear had a quiet word, girl suddenly blushed.

悄悄话系统,使用户可以发送私人讯息给对方。Private messaging system so users can send private messages to each other.

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玩家在战场中不可以和敌对玩家悄悄话了。Players will no longer be able to whisper to enemy players in Battlegrounds.

车里的人们很快又回过了神,开始说悄悄话。The men in the vehicle soon found their voices and began to talk in whispers.

后面的情人没完没了地说着悄悄话,右面的婴儿又哭又闹.young lovers talking constantly behind me, and babies crying to the right of me

有些人可能无法在所有对话,或只能够悄悄话或克劳克。Some people may not be able to talk at all, or only be able to whisper or croak.

古老的屋檐上,归巢的燕子翩飞,呢喃。说着不为人知的悄悄话。The old roof on the homing swallows Pianfei, twitter. Unknown spoke in whispers.

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我是你的狗狗,我有一些悄悄话想要和你说。I am your dog, and I have a little something I would like to whisper in your ear.

在手工制作的情人节瓢虫翅膀腋下,塞张悄悄话的小纸条,然后偷偷送给他!Deliver a secret note tucked under the wings of this hand made Valentines Day lady bug.

他靠过去对一个正在举重的看上去不善的西班牙男人说悄悄话。He leans down and whispers something to an evil looking HISPANIC MAN who is lifting weights.