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那个国家正在闹饥荒。That country suffers from hunger.

战争过后常闹饥荒。Famine often follows at war's heels.

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战争过后常闹饥荒。Famine often follows on the heels of war.

他家所在的省经常闹饥荒。A ravaging famine often visited his province.

过去常常还要闹饥荒。More often than not, people faced the risk of famine.

如果人们看到你,就会知道我们为什么会闹饥荒了。If people see you, they will know why we have the famine.

什么样的自然灾害能弄得全国闹饥荒?What kind of disaster caused such a national-wide famine?

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在1620年,美国闹饥荒,死了很多人。In 1620, the United States hunger, many people were killed.

庄稼遭到破坏的地方都在闹饥荒。There is hunger in all the places where the crop was spoilt.

我们同时也害怕闹饥荒,超出我们控制的天气变化。There was also the fear of famine, of uncontrollable weather.

庄稼遭受水灾毁坏的地方都在闹饥荒。There is hunger in all the places where the crop was spoilt by the flood.

他们在核武器上面花了多少钱,但是人民却在闹饥荒???这是错误的。They spend how much on nukes, but the people are hungry? ? ? That's just wrong.

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当时正在闹饥荒,陆龟已经有两个月没吃到过一顿好饭了。There was a famine in those days and Tortoise had not eaten a good meal for two moons.

又是打仗又闹饥荒,平民百姓处于水深火热之中。What with war and what with famine, the populace at large were caught between two fires.

去年已经比往常干燥,如果今年的夏收和秋收不足,就有可能闹饥荒。As last year had been drier than normal, famine was likely if this crop and the autumn one were poor.

天下的人都来到埃及,向若瑟购买食粮,因为天下各地都大闹饥荒。All countries came into Egypt, to Joseph, to buy grain, because the famine was severe in all the earth.

在哥林多后书8章和9章里,保罗提到给闹饥荒的犹太教会的捐款。In 2 Corinthians 8 and 9, Paul is writing about the money collection for the famine-stuck Judean church.

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华北闹饥荒的第二年,正是国际形势对盟国最为不利的时刻。The second year of the North China famine coincided with a desperate world situation for the United Nations.

有人得益了,但工人有工资却几乎饿死,报道说整个国家都在闹饥荒。Some may benefit but the workers earn starvation wages and the country is reported to be in the midst of a famine.

许多国家都在闹饥荒,那里的人民因为营养不良、饥饿以及由此引发的疾病而纷纷死去。There is famine in many countries, and people are dying of malnourishment, of starvation, and of related diseases.