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小轩窗,正梳妆。Little window, carefully doll.

她花了一小时梳妆打扮。She spent an hour on her toilets.

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她对梳妆打扮一点也不感兴趣。She cares nothing for dressing up.

人们花在梳妆打扮上的时间合理吗?Is time spent on grooming time well spent?

她总是在镜子前梳妆打扮。She's always primping in front of the mirror.

梳妆囼丄冇凣嗰书啝①支钢笔。There are some books and a pen on the dresser.

她自从遭到事故后,梳妆时甚觉困难。Dressing is difficult for her since her accident.

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历史是个小姑娘,任人梳妆打扮。History is a little girl, dressed and made up by people.

有两个大型梳妆衣柜和一个大浴室套间。There are two dressing closest and a large ensuite bath.

每当自己梳妆打扮。时候,小狗总是拽她的袖子。Whenever she put on makeup, it would pull at her sleeve.

历史是个小姑娘,任人梳妆打扮。The history is a young girl, Let people to doll up foppery.

具备化妆功能的梳妆台,特别设计了隐藏式梳妆镜和化妆品收藏区。A new vanity dresser has a concealed Mirror and cosmetic storage area.

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你妈是个丑八怪,364天的梳妆打扮只为过鬼节。Yo momma's so ugly, she gets 364 extra days to dress up for Halloween.

在一边肩膀上加一点戏剧性的梳妆服装来增加分歧错误称性。Add a touch of drama to your look with one-shoulder asymmetrical looks.

一种用于处理梳妆的带有几个盖的容器,涉及一种化妆盒。The dressing container with several covers is one kind of cosmetics box.

女儿们安排专人为妈妈梳妆打扮,作为生日礼物,让她从头到脚,焕然一新。The girls arranged a head-to-toe makeover for their mom as a birthday gift.

既然我们大概会在这里住上两个礼拜,就把梳妆用品摆进去好了。Since we'll be here about two weeks, we can put our toiletries away now, too.

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所有家具以及固定装置的抹尘,包括床头板,台灯以及梳妆镜。Dusts all furniture and fixtures – including headboard, lamps, and desk mirror.

既然我们大概会在这里住上两个礼拜,就把梳妆用品摆进去好了。Since we'll be here for about two weeks, we can put our toiletries away now, too.

对镜梳妆深浅,照看粉黛着装,参差抹泪,沾衣一缕莫白。To look after her mirror shades, dress, in tears, with a wisp of Mo white clothes.