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标题东亚木本植物区系的特有性。Endemism in the ligneous flora of eastern Asia.

这些木本植物都是从俄国进口而来。All these ligneous plants are imported from Russia.

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林下的木本植物同样亦发育不全。Understorey woody plants were similarly depauperate.

木本植物维管形成层外部的组织。In woody plants, tissues outside of the vascular cambium.

广州常见园林树木与习见木本植物403种。Guangzhou common garden trees are 403 species, which of woody plants.

树是一种高大的木本植物,通常有一根主干,或树干。A tree is a tall, woody plant that usually has one main stem, or trunk.

在热带雨林中的木本植物近四分之一为藤本植物。Up to a quarter of all the woody growth in some rainforests may be lianas.

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一种其他木本植物,如鹅耳枥属和假山毛榉属。Any of several other woody plants, as in the genera Carpinus and Nothofagus.

施肥就仍然有必要,而木本植物就偶尔要做修枝。Fertilizer is still necessary, and woody plants need the occasional pruning.

分析了常绿阔叶木本植物的生长状况和分布特点。The growth state and distribution features of these evergreen plants are analyzed.

烧火不但可以使草原肥沃起来,而且还能防止木本植物侵入草原。Burns keep the grassland fertile and prevent woody plants from encroaching on the savanna.

能源作物,是指经专门种植,用以提供能源原料的草本和木本植物。Energy crops mean herbal and woody plants specially planted and used as raw materials of energy.

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洪水期草本植物花粉含量略高于木本植物。Herb pollen percentage was slightly higher than that of arboreal pollen during the flood period.

当我们买下了这座房子的时候,花园里长满了山楂、黑莓等木本植物。When we bought the house the garden was overgrown with woody plants such as hawthorn and bramble.

木本植物近2000种,用材树种400多种,竹类140种,林产业前景广阔。There are almost 2,000 kinds of woody plants, 400 varieties of timber trees and 140 bamboo species.

本文对418种野生木本植物进行了区系统计和分析。This paper deals with the floristic statistics, analysis of the 418 species on wild ligneous plants.

植物分为草本植物和木本植物,不论哪一种都是有机物的结晶。Divided into herbaceous and woody plants, both of which are the crystallization of organic compounds.

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探讨了大青沟森林植物群落主要木本植物的生态位宽度、生态位重叠等生态位测度问题。Important ecological issues such as niche breadth, niche overlap of plant community in Daqinggou were studied.

增强的UV-B对木本植物、生态系统等方面的影响研究应加以重视。Research on response of woody plant and ecosystem to enhanced UV-B radiation should be emphasized in the future.

妈妈在那里种了些蜀葵和木本植物,但是中间是玫瑰丛,祖母的个人保留地。Mom planted hollyhocks and some other stuff, but the centerpiece was the rose bushes, Grandma's private preserve.