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九龙猪栏商会。Kowloon Pig Laan Merchants Association.

九龙鲜鱼商会。Kowloon Fresh Fish Merchants Association.

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商会促进地方商业。The chamber of commerce boosts local business.

香港染料同业商会有限公司。Hong Kong Dyestuffs Merchants Association Limited.

香港米行商会有限公司。The Rice Merchants' Association of Hong Kong Limited.

金先生现在是韩国商会副会长。He acts as Vice Chairman of Korea Chamber of Commerce.

中国美国商会会长孟克文说。China United States Chamber of Commerce, said Meng Kewen.

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房屋建造商会盖一些中、小户型住房来满足这部分需求。Home builders can make smaller houses to meet that demand.

商会主席塞姆·威廉姆斯说道,“我们从一个小小的南部州首府,成为了全球性的城市。”We become a global city, not just the capital of the South.

我召集这次协商会还有三个其它原因。I have convened this consultation for three further reasons.

最后,我在此感谢所有赞助和支持我们商会的社会贤达。In closing, I want to thank all our sponsors and supporters.

一般而言,配销商会提供并装设好窗户。Typically, a distributor furnishes and installs the windows.

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贝格雷先生还是美国商会百人会成员。Balestrero also is a member of the Committee of 100 of the U.

2008年,力拓不在上海美国商会列出的赞助商之列。Rio Tinto wasn't listed among the sponsors by Amcham in 2008.

连续成为家具商会理事单位。Continuous become furniture chamber of commerce director unit.

之一,这些组织是比荷卢商会。One of these organizations is the Benelux Chamber of Commerce.

由于皮瓣是开放的,这种分子可以传递给商会的权利。As the flap is open, the molecule can pass to the right chamber.

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现在我诚挚邀请美国中国商会主席吉莫曼先生讲话。I now invite AmChamChina Chairman Jim Zimmerman to make remarks.

开发商会供给所有房间的空调。The deveambler will accommodate air actioners for all apartment.

就算按照法国的标准,法国电力公司商会也是突出。Even by French comiteds, EDF's comité d'entreprise is exceptional.