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我打算去天河购书中心。A. I am going to Haizhu BookCenter.

他花了大量的钱在购书上。He has spent a large amount of money on books.

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我可以坐几路车去广州购书中心?。Which bus should I take to Guangzhou Book Center?

利用此来提高购书者搜索书籍的效率。To increase the use of the book buyers search more efficient.

教师人均图书馆购书经费,在13间图书馆中排行第六。Acquisitions dollars spent per faculty FTE. 6th out of 13 libraries.

布莱尔自传的成功预示着购书群体经常在讲电子读物,但其实也会买书。Blair's success suggests that the book-buying public may talk digital but actually buy analogue.

他一生贫寒,而购书、刻书、藏书热情不减。Though he was poor, he was committed to purchasing books, inscribing books and collecting books.

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我也在线上购书,但多只是为了省钱,我还是更乐意惠顾镇上传统的书商。I also buy books online, but sparingly, because I prefer to patronize my town's brick-and-mortar retailers.

可能这是我考专四前最后一次去购书中心,因为我不想浪费更多的时间了。Maybe it will be my last time to go to the centre before the TEM-4 cuz I don't want to waste time any more.

为新华艺专筹款购书,发起举办“现代名画家展览会”。Raised money to buy books for Shanghai Xinhua Art School, and hosted 'Art Exhibition of Modern Famous Artists'.

笔者随后在该网站点击购书,很快得到邮件回复,称预计1天内就可发货。I then click on purchase of books on the site, and soon the message back, saying you can expect delivery within 1 day.

这个标志只不过提醒购书人我是非裔美国人,我的作品源自某个丰富的历史传统。The sign just reminds the shopper that I am African-American, that my work comes from a certain rich historical tradition.

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赠书是高校图书馆丰富馆藏、缓解购书经费不足以及宣传图书馆的重要途径。For a library of university, donated books can enrich collections, cut down the cost of purchasing books and propagandize the library.

这周五我要再去广州购书中心一趟,去买专四的模拟题,然后就直接回家。On Friday this week I am going to visit Guangzhou Book Centre again to buy some Model tests about TEM-4, then I will go home directly.

图书馆需要有充足的财政预算才能推行图书馆的任务----员工薪金、购书经费、和其它图书馆的开支。The library's budget must be big enough to fulfill the mission of the library – for staffing, for collections, and other library needs.

随着网上书店的崛起,网上购书逐渐成为本世纪图书采购的新模式。With the surging of book-store on line, purchasing books on line is gradually becoming a new form of purchase of books in this century.

「译文」互联网已经改变了购书和寄信这样的日常活动,如今也正在改变多诺万所从事的职业。These days the Net, which has already remade such everyday pastimes as buying books and sending mail, is reshaping Donovans vocation as well.

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由于山村比较偏远,购书不便,所以书屋深受当地村民的喜爱。Since this mountain village is located in a remote area, it is inconvenient to buy books, so the book room is deeply loved by the local villagers.

NET在网络上架构一个电子书城,以使每一位顾客不用出门在家里就能够通过上网来轻松购书。NET structure is ane-book city on the network to make each customer need not go out can pass to get to the Internet in the home come easy buy a book.

同学们拿出公选课书籍进行交换,各取所需,这一活动为同学们节省了部分购书支出,并避免了大量教材的闲置浪费。Elective students out of the exchange of books, to get this activity for students to save some of acquisition expenses, and to avoid a lot of waste materials.