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使用肝素是背水一战了。Heparin was a desperate toss of the dice.

有一种勇气,叫破釜沉舟,背水一战。There is a kind of perseverance, called Kua.

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我别无选择,只能背水一战。I was left with no choice but to fight my way out.

有一种勇气,叫破釜沉舟,背水一战。There is a kind of courage, called the Rubicon, bite.

一种背水一战的心态不可避免地很快产生了。Inevitably, a sort of bunker mentality quickly set in.

可以说,这个价格直接就让小米背水一战了。Can say, the price of direct let millet fight to win or die.

溃军重整旗鼓,准备背水一战。The fleeing troops rallied and prepared for a last-ditch fight.

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但没有哪支球队有巴西的进攻能力,尤其是在背水一战的情况下。But no team has the attacking verve of Brazil, especially when desperate.

我知道。但对所有因素做了全面考虑之后,我决定背水一战,咬牙坚持住。I know. But taking everything into consideration, I decided to bite the bullet.

四只剩下的队伍已经面临“背水一战”的局面了,他们将尽力争夺超级杯。It's win-or-go-home time for the 4 teams left trying to get into the Super Bowl.

敌方军队人很多,但我们的人表现出背水一战的决心并赢得了这次战斗的胜利。The other army was large but our men showed a do-or-die determination and won the battle.

老布什总统是一个坚强、有自尊的人,为了保住自己的总统之位肯定会背水一战。President Bush was a tough, proud man who was finally fighting hard to hold on to his job.

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成功是一场游戏,需要你为之背水一战,首先你要具备更多的竞争力,其次还得全身心地投入其中。Success is a game, you have to play hard, you have to out-smart the competition, you have to put in the work.

戴维厌烦在伦敦工作,因此他背水一战迁移到苏格兰,在那里买了一家小旅店。David got tired of working in London so he burned his boats and moved up to Scotland and bought a small hotel there.

琼斯教授承认,有时,争论双方的科学家都会抱着“背水一战的心态”。Professor Jones agreed that scientists on both sides of the debate could suffer sometimes from a "bunker mentality".

在美国、格鲁吉亚和荷兰,Facebook用户正稳定增长,而当地的网站只好背水一战。And it’s gaining steady ground in Armenia, Georgia, and the Netherlands, where local providers are making a desperate last stand.

今年春天毕业于大连理工大学软件工程专业的雷思雨,决心要背水一战。Lei Siyu, who graduated from the Dalian University of Technology in the spring with a degree in software engineering, beat the gauntlet.

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会议与过去一个奇特的一个老人后,乔和其他人必须对亡灵的一个背水一战,或不情愿地满足了同样的命运。After meeting an old man with a peculiar past, Joe and the others must make one last stand against the undead or unwillingly meet the same fate.

切尔西在大好形势下被背水一战的拉齐奥队挤到小组第二,这使他们在冠军杯八强决战中处于非常不利的地位。Chelsea must take the hard route through the last eight of the Champions League after allowing Lazio to steal their place at the top of Group D.

债台高筑非但没有让张志业幡然醒悟、悬崖勒马,那种背水一战的赌徒心理反而一次次地驱使他铤而走险。However, this serious consequence failed to save him out of the dangerous game, he had been driven by the psychology of a gambler to take more risks in stead.