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行期已近。The date of departure is drawing near.

行期未卜。The date of departure remains undecided.

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此提议的试行期已经被延长至六个月。The trial is being extended for six months.

因为天气恶劣,我们推迟了行期。We delayed our journey on account of the bad weather.

这份合同还未进入确认期,你对合作方说,合同将有一年的试行期。The contract will run for one year of the trial period.

然而伯爵夫人的健康情况迫使他们将行期日复一日地推迟。But the countess's illness forced them to put off going from day to day.

继续保持怀疑态度吧,尤其5月水星还在逆行期。Keep your skeptic's hat on, especially while Mercury is retrograde in May.

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但是,毛囊处于退行期和休止期增长阶段不太色素。However, hair follicles that are in catagen or telogen growth phases are less pigmented.

我但愿能这么容易就定下来。可是我无权推迟行期,哪怕一天也不行!I wish it could be so easily settled . But it is not in my power to delay my journey for one day!

尽管经济看来仍处于下行期,但下滑幅度并不如很多人担心的那样急剧.While the economy still appears on a downward path, the slope is not as steep as many had feared.

山东省枣庄市武术学校正处在发展与规范、充实与提高、总结与探索的交织运行期。Wushu school is the product of running school by society forces and the social Wushu development.

伯爵夫人睡着了,伯爵把行期推延至早晨,也去睡了。The countess had fallen asleep, and the count put off their departure till morning and went to bed.

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吉隆坡是一个最能展示马来西亚绚丽多彩的城市。现在就约定一个行期,去亲自体验一下吧。Kuala Lumpur is a city that showcases the very best of Malaysia's diverse splendour. Make a date now to experience it for yourself!

由于分别处在十二月和八月的假期之后,这两个月都是大量新公司债券的发行期。Coming after vacations in December and August, respectively, both months are times when a large number of new corporate bonds are issued.

电脑雕刻机刻制的双色板制品的市场率越来越高,正进入流行期。Computer engraving machine engraving of the double color plate products in the market rate is higher and higher, it entered popular stage.

该授予根据对猎人无人机合同商后勤供应2008合同的修正授予,期限两年并有3年的可选执行期。The award was made through a modification to the Hunter CLS 2008 contract and will be performed over a period of two years with a third year option.

而西医对牛皮癣也有进展期、静止期和退行期之分,对疹型也有寻常型、脓疱型、关节病型和红皮病型之分。But also have progress of psoriasis medicine, static and shortcoming of the period, also have unusual for measles type, type, type and pustules stanching erythrodermic.

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一切都准备好了,行期已到,我向我的主人、主妇和它们全家告别。我的眼里涌出泪水,感到心情十分沉痛。When all was ready, and the day came for my departure, I took leave of my master and lady and the whole family, my eyes flowing with tears, and my heart quite sunk with grief.

结论LM、FN在毛囊的生长期、退行期及休止期的表达随毛囊生长周期而发生周期性变化,LM、FN可能参与毛囊生长周期的调节。Conclusion The difference between LM and FN expression in hair growth cycle indicates that LM and FN may play important roles in the regulation of human hair follicle growth cycl.