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我喜欢你那双红颜色的鞋子。I like your red shoes.

我送给丽丽一个红颜色的棒球。I have a red baseball for Lily.

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红颜祸水,这场争论因她而起。She is Helen of Troy in the quarrel.

她说鸳鸯会老,红颜会死。She said would-old, the roots will die.

最最伤感是流年,白发罩住了红颜。Is the most sentimental time, his coffin.

那大师兄有否在江湖上遇到什么红颜知己?Then did Big bro meet any girl out there?

都说红颜是祸水,红颜何罪?All say beauty is, what the crime as a beauty?

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穿红颜色的衣服或装饰红颜色的物件,因为红象征吉祥好运。Wear red clothing because red symbolizes luck.

红颜多薄命。A beautiful girl has often an unfortunate life.

你的配偶依然相信魔法和红颜知己。Your mate still believes in magic and soul-mates.

红颜尽碎,促成半生孤寒。Confidante as broken, contributed to half of the cold.

俗世女子,谁能够如狐般拥有不老红颜?Mortal woman, who can have such as fox, old confidante?

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虎姐,在以后的日子,你就是我的红颜知己!Tiger sister, in the day, you are my girl bosom friend!

她可以大胆地告诉她的家人,她是你的红颜知已吗?Does she can tell her family she is your female confidant?

为什么不要和爱上你的红颜知己Why You Shouldn’t Take the Next Step with Your Best Friend

美丽流于肤浅,丑陋深邃入骨。红颜易变,丑陋难改。Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes straight to the bone.

一朝春尽红颜老,花落人亡现两不知。Once the spring as confidante old, people now know flowers two.

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如果唐伯虎能够有你这位红颜知己,真是死而无憾呀。If Tong Pak Fu had a friend like you, he wouldn't have any regrets.

她是丹最爱的偶像,珍视的红颜知己和挚友。She was Dan's favorite model, cherished confidante and dearest friend.

红颜成霜依然甜蜜,开开心心度过晚年。Roots into the cream is still sweet, happily spend their twilight years.