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但那些是参天古树。But those are huge old trees.

参天大树,独怕雷劈。Lofty tree most dread the thunder.

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当我看见参天的树枝叶尽脱。When lofty trees I see barren of leaves.

早已长成了参天的材树。The saplings have grown into large trees.

全园林木葱郁,古松参天。All wood lush gardens, towering old pines.

园内山花烂漫,古木参天。Garden flowers are blooming, and ancient trees.

浩瀚大海有源头,参天大树有须根。There is origin even for vast ocean, and root for giant trees.

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我们心中的每一颗种子都可以长成参天大树。Within each of us is a seed that can become a forest of change.

它以其绮丽的花,参天大树,和其他各色植物闻名于世。It is famous for its beautiful flowers, tall trees and other plants.

闪电显然特别青睐一些地方,如参天大树,或者高楼建筑。Lightning obviously favors certain areas such as high trees or buildings.

这儿有密密的松树和参天的白杨,还有静静的溪流。There are exuberent pine trees, towering white poplars, and calm streams.

这座红房子在参天古树的映衬下十分夺目。The red house stands out against the old trees that reach high up to the sky.

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屋前房后到处是古木参天,蝉鸣鸟叫。Around the house are full of ancient big trees with birds and cicadas chirping.

“凝香园”附近的何应瑞墓地古柏成林,苍郁参天。" Ningxiang garden" near the cemetery He Yingrui Cooper verdant forest, towering.

父母的爱就像一座参天大树,为孩子迎风避雨,遮阳挡光!Parental love is like a towering tree, the children wind shelter, sun shade light!

等以后长成茁壮的参天大树后,那么绿荫遮天的壮阔,便是我活过的痕迹。And later grow into healthy trees, so the shade Zhetian magnificent, is I've lived.

男人的怒气,吹进女人的心坎,会摧残参天大树。Man's anger, blows woman's pit of the stomach, can devastate the towering big tree.

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但你却可以有执念,相信有一天,它会长大,成为一棵参天大树。Although it's small, but you may have a faith that someday it will grow into a big tree.

无益雄辩不济事,犹如柏树参天不结果。Unprofitable eloquence is like the cypress, which is GREat and tall, but bears no fruit.

人类不同于没有选择的橡树果。一颗橡树果不能决定自己是长成一棵参天大树,还是要成为松鼠的食物。An acorn cannot decide whether to become a giant tree or to become food for the squirrels.