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她是个卖弄风情的女人。She is a flirt.

你是一个爱卖弄风骚的人吗?Are you a good flirter?

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马克又在卖弄学问了。Mark is parade his knowledge again.

千万不要以为我在卖弄英语。Never think I'm peacocking English.

玛丽卖弄风骚挑逗水手。Mary teased sailors with her charms.

当然,她对谁都卖弄风情。Of course she'll flirt with anybody.

他喜欢卖弄风情的女子。He likes girls that play the coquette.

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在尊长的面前,不要卖弄自己的才能。In front of an elder, do not show off.

她向她碰到的每个年轻男人都卖弄风骚。She coquetted with every young man she met.

在尊长前,不要卖弄自己的才能。In front of an elder, I will never show off.

不要卖弄,否则有一天你会吃大亏。Don't act up or you will be spoiled some day.

你的前任开始卖弄风情,千万别取悦他们。An ex is flirting, do not entertain them please.

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和他的一些变化好像是卖弄学问。And a few of his changes seemed somewhat pedantic.

请忍住卖弄自己的技术技能的冲动。Resist the urge to show off your technical skills.

有才能的人和卖弄学问的人是不一样的。A man of talent is one thing, and a pedant another.

他看见美丽动人的姑娘抛出卖弄风情的眼色。He saw coquettish glances cast by magnificent girls.

“炫学者”,不合季节卖弄学问的人。Pedantry is the unseasonable ostentation of learning.

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她一见到男人就卖弄风骚。The moment she met a man she would play the coquette.

他不喜欢富民卖弄知识的作法。He did not like the way Fumin showed off his knowledge.

不要卖弄风情,女人,你知道如何让我赤裸相向。You can't be to flirty, mama, and know how to undress me.