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我要为婚礼去定作一件燕尾服。I need to get a custom-made Tuxedo for my wedding.

于是我身着盛装,他穿着帅气的燕尾服——手拉着手一起去麦当劳吃了顿晚餐。I dressed up, he had a tux on. We went to McDonalds.

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至于贾斯汀的燕尾服和老式发型?As for Justin with his tux and his side-slicked hair?

在宫廷正式的场合中,你应该穿燕尾服。For a formal occasion at the palace you must wear tails.

其中一个开心的家伙既穿着婚纱,又穿着燕尾服。One happy fellow wore a bridal skirt and a tuxedo jacket.

男孩身穿黑色燕尾服为乔治三世服丧。The boys wore black tail coats in mourning for George III.

一名头戴高帽身穿燕尾服的男士举起一只大型齧齿动物。A man dressed in a top hat and tuxedo holds up a large rodent.

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你正值奏一般的年纪,快燕尾服开理想的彩翼。You are in an age like spring. Fly high with your wings of ideal!

你不必穿燕尾服参加半正式的开幕酒会。You don't have to wear swallowtail for the semiformal opening party.

我们喜爱燕尾服,但在这种转换过程中好像失去了什么东西。While we loved this tuxedo, there seems to be something lost in translation here.

男人们也在舞池中翩翩起舞,他们常穿着一模一样的黑色燕尾服。Men spun across the floor with other men, often dressed in identical black tuxedos.

我们将继续让我们的民族性格,对自由燕尾服侵蚀?Will we allow our national character to continue to erode on the liberal coattail ?

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爸爸妈妈翩然而至,长长的燕尾服,胸前的红色羽毛,果然比燕子宝宝们有风度多啦。Here come Mummy and Daddy swallows with their beautiful long tails and pink throats.

请柬规定要着正装,于是我穿上了燕尾服。The invitation specified that the dress code would be formal, so I donned my tuxedo.

这些豪华洗手间不但配备了平面电视,还有身穿燕尾服的服务人员。The plush potties feature flat-screen televisions and attendants dressed in tuxedos.

街头商店门口立着一位身穿燕尾服,头戴高礼帽的年轻人。A young man in a tailcoat and wearing a high hat was standing in the front of a shop.

燕尾服式外套,有一个单独的按钮,关闭前盖口袋和带肋袖口。The tuxedo-style jacket has a single-button closure, front flap pockets and ribbed cuffs.

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而且你也不一定要戴上高顶黑色大礼帽,穿上燕尾服。Beautiful performances to magic. But you do not have to wear black high-top hat, put on coat.

关于牛仔布,选择两种截然不同的清洗方式可以避免象“德州燕尾服”一样。For a denim on denim look, choose two very different washes to avoid the “Texas tuxedo” look.

滨江骑上设计的燕尾服,甚至削减几个小钱到那里。The Riverside rides on the coattails of that design and even cuts a few corners to get there.