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名称易得易用。Names are cheap.

学校名称?Name of film school?

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您可以使用任何名称。You can use any name.

此股票的名称。The name of the stock.

用户表的名称。Name of the user table.

输入一个有效的文件名称。Enter a valid file name.

子过程的名称。The name of sub-process.

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您一定得输入作品名称。You must supply a title.

用户名称无效!User name-ul este invalid!

“方法名称”下拉列表。Method Name drop-down list.

这是我对钟的名称吗?Is that my name on the bell?

它奇摩相同的名称。It 's the same name of them.

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选出此曲的名称。State the name of the piece.

你将来要学习的课程名称是什么?Which course will you study?

提供版本安全的名称。Provides a version-safe name.

要播放的声音文件名称。Sound file name to be played.

公司名称附后。The company name is attached.

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被拖动的文件名称。The file names being dragged.

位在磁碟里的档案名称。The name of the file on disk.

有谁知道第一首歌的名称?What is the name of The Song?