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我得到了戏院的赠票。I've got a nice store.

她匆匆离开戏院。She bopped off the theatre.

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引座员恭敬地把我们迎入戏院。The usher bowed us into the theatre.

星期一,嘉莉又去了卡西诺戏院。Monday Carrie went again to the Casino.

人们成群结队地走出戏院。People came trooping out of the theatre.

我们穿戴整齐到戏院看戏吧。Let's dress up and go out to the theatre.

于是他们去了一家戏院看戏。So they went to a theatre to see a drama.

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嘉莉见到了一次卡西诺戏院的经理。Carrie saw the manager at the Casino once.

戏院外有很多人排队。There is a long queue outsides the theater.

戏院里聚着一群一群的人。There were crowds of people at the theatre.

这家戏院只不过是间漆过的谷仓而已。The theatre was no more than a painted barn.

明天早晨来戏院吧。Come around to the theatre to-morrow morning.

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让我们在珠宝戏院的休息室见面吧。Let's meet in the foyer of the Bijou Theater.

请别忘了今天去戏院为他们订座。Please remember to book seats for them today.

一家挤满小孩的不通风的小戏院。A small airless theatre crammed with child ren.

出租车停在戏院门口,让乘客下车。The taxi discharged its passengers at the theatre.

戏院里的引导员帮助我们找到位子。The usher of the theater helped us find our seats.

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我们能在那家戏院看到第一流的表演。We can enjoy the first-rate acting in that theatre.

那家新戏院的演出节目每晚都换。The entertainment at the new theater changes nightly.

在去戏院的路上,利恩被车撞了。Lynn was on her way to the theater when a car hit her.