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风化壳和土壤。Regolith and soil.

那尊塑像风化得厉害。That stature has badly weathered.

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经过长年风化,斑斑点点的。Through a long period of weathering.

那岩石已风化成沙土。The rock has weathered away into soil.

风化可把岩石一片片地剥落掉。The weathering could split the rock off.

风化是风,水与时间共同作用的结果。Erosion is the work of wind, water, and time.

那些岩石已过风兴水所风化。The rocks have been weathered by wind and water.

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风化,岩溶景观和群众运动。Weathering, Karst Landscapes, and Mass Movement.

这是一个小圆,风化,锻铁表。It was a small round, weathered, wrought-iron table.

某些植物起了风化作用的辅助作用。Certain plants play an additional role in weathering.

这些岩石因风和海水的风化变得非常光滑。The wind and sea have weathered the rocks quite smooth.

风化的瓦建筑屋给我留下了深刻的印象。I was impressed with the weathered constructions of tiles.

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菱镁矿是由橄榄岩风化形成的。The magnesite originated from the peridotite by weathering.

相对湿度较低时,有风化的危险。At low relative humidities there is a risk of efflorescence.

研究了硅酸盐细菌对矿物的风化作用。This paper focuses on mineral weathering by silicate bacteria.

那高高的岩石墙壁是由于风化-有抵抗的石英岩。The high walls of rock are made of weather-resistant quartzite.

一天早上,艾伦在门廊风化的地板上发现一只小狗崽。One morning Aaron found a pup on the porch’s weathered planking.

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五天之后,依照妨害风化罪名,这位邮差被逮捕。He was arrested for lewd and lascivious behavior five days later.

风化壳的基本矿物组合为高岭石—伊利石。The basis mineral combination of mantle rock is kaolinite—illite.

铝土矿全部是风化作用形成的,无一例外。All of the bauxites are formed by weathering without any exception.