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你喜欢开架的化妆品吗?。Do you like drugstore makeup?

多数图书馆有开架和闭架两种书库。Most libraries have open and closed stacks.

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哈佛是第一个对学者使用开架阅览成为默认条件的大学。Harvard is the first to make open access the default option for its researchers.

全开架借阅,是当前形势发展的需要,也是图书馆改变服务体制的必然趋势。The development of library service needs to establish a open-shelves system in our university.

图书开架借阅是图书馆服务工作的发展方向。The exercise of open-shelf book borrowing marks the developmental orientation of library service.

瓦尔纳地区图书馆由层层交替排列的开架书库阅读空间和闭架书库档案保存空间组成。The Regional Library is organized into alternating stacks of open- and closed-accessed shelf floors.

开架借阅给流通部的人性化建设带来了新的要求。Open-shelf-borrowing brings new requirements to the humanization construction in circulation department in library.

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全开架借阅管理是方便读者,提高服务质量的重要举措,是图书馆发展史上的一大飞跃。The complete-open lending service is to benefit readers and improve the service, which is a great leap in library work.

开架制的功能作用与社会效果虽被认可,但是开架管理却给高校图书馆带来了一些困扰。The function and social effect of the open-shelf system are recognized, but this system also brings some worries to college libraries.

本文分析了我校图书馆开架书库图书的错乱架现象产生的原因,并针对这些现象提出相应对策。This article analyzes the causes of disorder of open-shelf reading-rooms in our library, and recommends some effective countermeasures.

众所周知,一个在日本超市卖的开架货,三线品牌都算不上,在中国却卖了一个并不低的价格。As we all know, a Japanese supermarket in the open-shelf sale of goods, third-line brands are not in China but does not sell a low price.

在网络化的时代,图书馆要树立以人为本、以用为主的观念,搞好图书的开架服务。In the age of network , the library should provide open-shelf service by setting up the concept" with human as basis and utility as core".

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其实我说,这种开架形式很好,至少有很多人本没有买书的打算,可看完了会有想买的冲动。In fact, I said, this open-shelf in the form of good, at least that many people do not buy this intention can be read through the impulse buy.

分析了开架借阅的优缺点,针对存在的问题提出了搞好开架借阅的具体措施。This paper analyzes the advantage and disadvantage of open-shelf management in library, and puts forward some measures to improve the management.

本文针对全开架借阅中的一些容易被忽视的问题,从细微末节处探讨如何改善服务,体现人文精神。The paper focuses on the easily-neglected matters in open-shelves borrowing systems, and discusses closely how to make improvement in trivial matters.

本文就目前图书开架阅览室服务工作中出现的乱架、图书丢失及图书破损等问题进行分析,提出建议及整改措施。The article analyzes some problems existing in service of open-shelf reading room, such as disordered book shelves, lost books and dilapidated books etc.

搞好开架服务,图书管理人员成了“知识超市”或“知识自助餐馆”的“知识引导员”、“营养辅导员”。In the open-shelf service, the librarians act as the" knowledge guider" or" nutrition instructor" of" the knowledge supermarket" or" knowledge cafeteria".

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因此我设计了这套图书馆全开架借阅管理系统软件,希望为读者和管理者提供较为科学的,全面的服务。This issue make a management designment for this borrowing system based on reader, it could make more practical and integrated service for reader and manager.

一些比较新潮的活动包括“世界上最大的英文科幻小说开架收藏”,模型铁路俱乐部和一个充满活力的民族舞蹈舞台。Less traditional activities include the "world's largest open-shelf collection of science fiction" in English, model railroad club, and a vibrant folk dance scene.

针对图书馆在开架借阅服务方式中存在的问题,探讨了如何对开架借阅进行有效管理。Starting from the management concept of reading room, this paper introduces the management and service of open reading room in Huazhong Normal Universitys library.