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研究了毛杨梅栲胶的磺甲基化改性方法。The method of sulfomethylation modification of bayberry tannin extract was investigated.

我国盛产栲胶,开发此法的前景是光明的。As China abounds in the tannin extract, so it is of bright prospect to develop this process.

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同时研究了它们与铬、铝、甲醛和栲胶等鞣剂的结合稳定性及其产生的助鞣作用。Their combination with tanning agents Cr, Al, HCHO and vegetable tannin extract was also studied.

运行实践证明,DDS脱硫效果明显优于栲胶法。The operation practice proves that the DDS desulfurizer is clearly better than the tannin extract.

栲胶法是净化城市煤气的一种有效方法,在国内,已经得到了广泛应用,并取得了显著效果。As an effective way to clean city gas, tannic extract has been widely used and received prominent effect.

结果表明改性栲胶溶液黏度下降,相对分子质量降低且分布集中。It shows that the solution viscosity drops and the relative molecular mass reduces with narrow distribution.

系统地研究了荆树皮栲胶对皮革中六价铬的预防作用。In this paper, the authors studied systematically on preventive effect of mimosa tannin on hexavalent-chromium in leather.

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主要讨论栲胶法脱硫在生产中对栲胶溶液吸收和再生的诸多影响因素。Influencing factor was discussed for tannin extract solution absorb and regenerate by tannin extract method in production.

对广西百色林化总厂试生产的马占相思栲胶的物理化学性质及应用特点进行了研究。The physicochemical property of acacia mangium tannin extract and its characteristics of leather processing were investigated.

桉树皮可作为新品种栲胶原料,其栲胶值得推广应用。The Eucalyptus bark can been used as the new raw material of tannin extract, its tannin extract is worth of promoting and using.

综述了近20年来我国植物鞣剂产品的应用性能,包括荆树皮栲胶,橡栲胶,栗木栲胶等。The application properties of local vegetable tannins in last 20 years were introduced, including mimosa, valonex, chestnut etc.

建立了测定复合脱硫液中氧化栲胶含量的方法,即在紫外光区内利用双波长等吸收法测定吸光度,并计算其含量。The absorbability of tannic extract was detected with the method of dual wave length-equal absorbance, and its content was computed.

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通过对智胜化工有限公司半水煤气栲胶脱硫改造的总结,从设备改造、工艺控制等方面简述了脱硫技改的措施和效果。Through the summarization for semi-water coal gas tannin extract de-sulfur reformation in Zhisheng Chemical Engineering Company Ltd.

本文对各种以栲胶为基础的结合鞣法进行了综述,阐述了结合鞣的反应机理、工艺过程。This paper reviews the combination tannages on the basis of vegetable tannin extracts, includingtheirreactionmechanisms and technological processes.

研究了以黑荆树皮栲胶废料为原料,在微波辐照下氯化锌法制取活性炭的方法。In this paper, the method of preparing activated carbon from waste materials of tannin extract with zinc chloride by microwave radiation was studied.

概述近年来国内外在植物单宁化学及栲胶生产技术方面取得的新进展。Recent advances of vegetable tannin chemistry and technique of tannin extract production in China and foreign countries are briefly discussed and reviewed.

介绍了橡碗栲胶改性酚醛树脂的合成工作。通过红外光谱等方法对合成产物进行了分析,并初步探讨其反应机理。This paper reports a synthetic job that is modified phenolic by tannic extract of acorn cup. It analyses synthetic result and reaction mechanism by IR means etc.

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在高温和添加含氮化合物条件下,对杨梅栲胶进行亚硫酸化改性,制备低温鞣制用的栲胶。The modified myrica rubra extract suitable for tanning heavy leather at low temperature tanning was prepared by sulfitation with compound containing nitrogen added.

以改性落叶松栲胶为主料研制的高温堵水剂,适用于油田采油用高温堵水、调剖凝胶。The high temperature plug agent made mainly from larch tannin is applied to plugging water at high temperature and adjusting section for oil extraction in oil field.

探索了用橡木宛栲胶植鞣黄牛皮沙发革的工艺,分析测试了所鞣坯革的物理及感观性能,为植鞣牛皮轻革产品提供了一些理论与实验依。This paper have studied vegetable tanning technology of cowhide light leather with modification volanea extract for chief tanning agent and with yellow cow taw for raw skin.