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这张照片上的是列支敦士登的速滑健将蒂娜•维瑞兹。This photo shows skier Tina Weirather of Liechtenstein.

速滑运动员裙子是很时尚没错,但是绝不适合梨形身材的人。Skater skirts might be fashionable, but they don't work for pears.

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制定了少年短道速滑运动员专项心理能力的评价标准。The evaluation criteria of the special psychological abilities are made.

对于爱好速度感的人来说,竞速滑冰与冰上曲棍球绝对是最过瘾的运动。For those who love speed, there's nothing like speed skating and ice hockey.

速滑运动员通过在半马拉松3月28日在柏林的勃兰登堡门。Skaters pass the Brandenburg Gate during the half-marathon in Berlin March 28.

他得分后的庆祝动作正是模仿速滑运动员展开双臂的动作。His post-goal showboating gave way to the sweeping arm motion of a speed skater.

右边的照片里是队员们正在进行“快速滑绳,”练习,即用一根绳子从直升机上快速滑落下来。Right, SEALs train at "fast-roping," descending from a helicopter using only a rope.

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这个动作应慢速滑时做,站上去是很困难的。This trick should be done while moving slowly. Landing this trick is very difficult.

右边的照片里是队员们正在进行“快速滑绳,”练习,即用一根绳子从直升机上快速滑落下来。Right, SEALs train at "fast-roping, " descending from a helicopter using only a rope.

许多人都渴望追逐速度感,因此竞速滑冰与冰上曲棍球吸引了大批观众。Speed skating and ice hockey attract large audiences as many people hunger for speed.

另一名速滑选手李佳军在短道速滑男子1500比赛中获得一枚铜牌。Another speed skater Li Jiajun won a bronze medal in men's 1500-meter short-track race.

所以当我进入到省队,我的教练决定让我转到短道速滑。So when I move up to the province team, my coach decide to change me to the short track.

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速滑运动员小肌肉群力量不足,会影响到其技术水平的形成与发挥。Poor strength of a speed skaters small muscle group can influence his technical performance.

1998年日本长野冬季奥运会上,她在三个短道速滑项目中都夺得银牌。At the 1998 Nagano Games, Yang earned a silver medal in each of the three short track events.

但是在短道速滑的比赛中没有任何规则去为被剥夺资格申诉,我只能接受这样的结果。But in short track there are no regulations to appeal a disqualification so I have to accept it.

在当时是颇为先进的坦克,100毫米高初速滑膛炮,激光测距仪。At that time is quite advanced tanks, 100 mm high muzzle velocity Huatang Pao, laser range finder.

对普通高校男生速滑课运用指标化教学方法进行了研究与探讨。It researches the index-teaching method in male students' speed skating course in the universities.

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下面是1500米短道速滑金牌得主中国选手周洋的一些背景。Here's some background on the Chinese gold medalist of the women's 1500 meters short track speed skating.

起跑是短道速滑的重要组成部分,是取得优异成绩的重要因素。Start is an important part of short track speed skating and important factor to achieve outstanding results.

中国小将周洋在女子1500米短道速滑中轻松夺冠。Zhou Yang of China coasted to victory in the women's 1500m short-track speed skating at the Winter Olympics.