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“鼠辈轴心”如何?。How about Axis of Weasels?

这就是萧条轴心。Hence the axis of depression.

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傀儡王邪恶轴心。Puppet. Master. Axis. of. Evil.

动荡轴心有很多的成员国。The axis of upheaval has many members.

螺帽已经拧在轴心上了。The nut has been worked on the spindle.

新保守主义与死亡邪恶轴心III. Neoconservatism and the Axis of Evil Dead

扎实的轴心可减少偏斜。Shaft drives are heavy duty to minimize deflection.

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肩平放,但身体轴心略向右斜。Shoulders flat, but axis of body inclined toward right.

在此之前,邪恶轴心继续地吓唬着我们。Until then, the axis of evil continues to terrorise us.

夺取敌人控制的城镇,是我们计画的轴心。Capturing the enemy-held towns is the pivot of our plans.

忘了布什的邪恶轴心——伊朗、伊拉克和朝鲜吧。Forget Iran, Iraq, and North Korea—Bush’s “Axis of Evil.”

在轴承径向平面内通过轴心线的方向。In the bearing radial plane through the axis line direction.

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这个轴心点是一个您可以插入高速缓存的地方。The pivot point is one place where you can insert your cache.

已知以z-轴为轴心半径为a的圆柱体。Let's say I have a cylinder of radius a centered on the z-axis.

我认为,如果你换上国甲的轴心会更好一些。I think it's also even better if you replace it with a Type A core.

因此意义是沿着这个语言结构体轴心累加的。Meaning is thus accumulated along the syntagmatic axis of language.

不锈钢304或聚甲醛轴心的门铰铰链,按客户要求供货。Version with pins made of stainless steel 304 or DELRIN on request.

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后工业社会的轴心原则就是理论知识的中心性。Its kernal principle is the central nature of theoretical knowledge.

作用于平行轴承轴心线方向的负荷。Acting on the bearing axis line parallel to the direction of the load.

但是我们给它加力,只要在,轴心上加一些重量。But I can put a torque on it by simply putting some weights on the axis.