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萤火虫的光要到极限了。Firefly's light to the limit.

也想看看萤火虫。Also ambition to see glowworm.

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我们都是虫,可我是萤火虫。We both are worm, but I am glowworm.

萤火虫一样飞在朦胧的树阴?As a firefly in the hazy shade of a tree?

萤火虫的幼虫是有毒的掠食者。Glow-worm larvae are poisonous predators.

高高的草丛里,萤火虫忽隐忽现。Fireflies flash on and off in the tall grass.

一只萤火虫,贴在木头门框上,闪闪发亮。A firefly was shimmering on the wood doorpost.

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萤火虫用它们的光亮来吸引异性。Fireflies use their light for attracting mates.

在你捉萤火虫时的日子是否更容易过?Wasn't it easier in your firefly-catchin' days?

萤火虫下来休息,这一切为您的文件的文件。Firebug breaks it all down for you file-by-file.

我凭依栏杆,细看那萤火虫。I lean against the railing, staring at the firefly.

萤火虫会触犯繁星闪闪吗?Or shall the firefly offend the shininess of stars?

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我们都是虫子,但我确信我是萤火虫。We are all worms , but I do believe I'm a glowworm?

我们都是小虫子,但我相信我是一只萤火虫。We are all worms , but I do believe I am a glowworm.

然后我关掉快门,把萤火虫放走了。Then I released the shutter and set the firefly free.

小镇山丘上只有几只萤火虫在暗自的散发着淡冷色的光芒。Up here on the hill a few glow worms were lighting up.

无印良品我们都是虫,可我是只萤火虫。We are all worms but I do believe that I am glow-worm.

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我们都是虫子,但我相信我是一只萤火虫。We are all worms, but Ido believe that I am glow-worm.

黑粉勿骂人,骂了说明萤火虫没素质!Don't swear black powder, scolded fireflies didn't quality!

萤火虫夜间飞行时发出闪光。Fireflies give off flashes of light when they fly at night.