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为简易一元化调整型。Simple adjustments for the uniform type.

一元化调节时,请翻转使用。Centralized regulation, please use overturned.

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其一,跳出一元化思维,做好系统思考。First, jump out of unifying thinking, good systems thinking.

总统制是一元化行政体制的典型。President system is a typical of the centralized administrative system.

处于中间位置的是一元化不饱和脂肪,如橄榄油和花生油。In the middle are the mono-unsaturated fats such as olive and peanut oils.

五是一元化,这将是英语发展的必然结果。The last is centralization, which is a general trend of English development.

而且,出产一元化治理,能够实现最适合的供给链治理。And, produce centralize processing, can realize what suit most to supply catenary processing.

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智能控制系统主要由弧压模糊控制模块、焊接电流控制模块与一元化推荐表组成。The system can automatically adjust the arc voltage in accordance with the set welding current value.

美国能处理好与中国的竞争,然而一个一元化的东亚可能会在无穷多的方面破坏美国的根基。The U.S. can handle Chinese competition, but a unified East Asia could undermine the U.S. in any number of ways.

改变二元经济结构,实现国民经济的一元化发展,是中国实现现代化的核心。Changing the dual economic structure and unifying the country's economy is the core target of China's modernization.

因此,必须用赔偿标准的“一元化”代替“二元化”才能解决这个问题。Consequently, dualization in the measure of indemnity must be replaced by centralization in order to solve the problem.

政治上的大一统和思想上的一元化是中国传统文化的一大显著特点。The great unity in politics and centralization in thoughts have been obvious characteristics in Chinese traditional culture.

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国有股权一元化使国有独资公司的权力制衡机制面临挑战。The centralization of the state-own share-right makes the check-and-balance mechanism of the right in the management structure.

实现二元经济向一元化转换的中心问题是农业部门劳动力的转移。The unitary transformation to achieve the dual economy the central issue is the transfer of the agricultural sector labor force.

校园文化要坚持先进文化的前进方向,把握一元化指导思想、开放性和时代特征。Campus culture should firm the orientation of advanced culture and grasp unified guiding ideology and the characteristics of times.

有时即使把旋纽置于标准位置,其一元化焊接电压值可能也不太合适。Sometimes even if sets at the knob to the standard position, its unification welding voltage value not too is possibly appropriate.

少年矫正机构运动试图改革一元化刑事司法的弊端,为违法少年创造良好的成长环境并矫正其罪错行为。The movement tried to reform the unitary criminal justice system, create a better environment for correction of juvenile delinquents.

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多元智能理论是针对传统一元化智能理论而提出的,是一种全新的有关人类智能结构的理论。Multiple intelligences theory is put forward to traditional unified intelligence, and it is a kind of brandnew mankind intelligent structures.

智能控制系统主要由弧压模糊控制模块、焊接电流控制模块与一元化推荐表组成。The major models in the system are the arc voltage fuzzy control model, the welding current control model and the one knob recommending table.

价值多元化、价值一元化和价值观多元化等问题是当前价值论领域研究的热点问题之一。The multi-dimension of value, the one-dimension of value and the multi-dimension of value idea are one of crucial problems in the current axiology field.