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士兵们在台下鼓噪。The soldiers are rising in a hubub.

不要被他们的营销鼓噪所迷惑。Don't get caught up in their marketing noise.

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神秘的夏夜,群星鼓噪的夏夜!Summer nights mysterious with crackling stars!

在这漫长的六月里-冲着崇拜它的泥塘-鼓噪。To tell your name–the livelong June–To an admiring Bog!

群众对这位来访的政客鼓噪抗议。The crowd gave the visiting politician quite a barracking.

之前从他们那里传来的无力而可悲的叫喊声依然不断在我耳畔鼓噪。It was on my ears that their feeble and pathetic cries had fallen.

最近的所有鼓噪都是说奥巴马政府是“反企业的”。All the buzz lately is that the Obama administration is "antibusiness."

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比及平明,关公及众将皆摇旗鼓噪,乘大船而来。By dawn Lord Guan and his commanders, waving flags and beating drums, were bearing down in large ships.

多没劲啊非得争个名人地位,抛头露面像一只青蛙,在这漫长的六月里,冲着崇拜它的泥塘鼓噪。How dreary to be somebody, How public---like a frog---To tell your name the livelong June, To an admiring bog.

当还是反对派时,莫迪和人民党大肆鼓噪中国的入侵。是什么让他么现在保持沉默了?权力?Modi and BJP talked a lot about the intrusions when they were in opposition. What is making them silent now? Power?

如果真的是这样,银行及其投资者肯定会鼓噪着解除这些“明显繁重”的监管法。As that happens, the banks and their investors will undoubtedly clamor for relief from “overly burdensome” regulation.

从布尔东林荫大道到奥斯特里茨桥,人声鼓噪有如海潮咆哮,人群动荡起来了。From the Boulevard Bourdon to the bridge of Austerlitz one of those clamors which resemble billows stirred the multitude.

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牛蛙鼓噪着,迎来夜幕降临,夜鹰的鸣声随风飘荡在水面上。The bullfrogs trump to usher in the night and the note of the whip-poor-will is borne on the rippling wind from over the water.

毕竟,我没有什么见不得光的,现在媒体的鼓噪正把国会和国民的注意力从我们更伟大的行政目标上引开。After all, I had nothing to hide, and all the clamor was diverting the attention of Congress and the country from our larger agenda.

电台访谈节目又一直在鼓噪,温和派议员开始听到来自家乡选区的反克林顿活动活跃分子的呼声。The radio talk shows were pushing it hard, and moderates were beginning to hear from anti-Clinton activists in their home districts.

今年的E3展即将到来,关于什么会和不会展出的鼓噪持续着将谣言推向极致。This year’s E3 is on the horizon, and the buzz of what may and may not be displayed continues to push the rumor mill into overdrive.

即使德国的反波兰和波兰的反德国右翼分子大声鼓噪,也无法令两国之间的仇恨重燃。Even the fulminations of the anti-Polish right in Germany and the anti-German right in Poland failed to ignite wider national resentments.

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由于诸多因素的制约,美国被迫放弃单独投资计划,使得鼓噪一时的“联美”“均势外交”的努力陷于流产。Because of the complex factors, the United States was forced to give up its investment plan and made the balance of power diplomacy failure.

他们说,只要有一个问题我们回答不上来,或是有一份文件交不出来,媒体就会继续鼓噪,要求任命一名独立检察官。They said as soon as we couldn’t answer a question or produce a document, the press would return to the drumbeat for an independent counsel.

在一片鼓噪声中,负责任的共和党人到哪里去了?那些勇敢地站出来说有些党人太过分了的共和党人哪里去了?无影无踪!And where, in all of this, are the responsible Republicans, leaders who will stand up and say that some partisans are going too far? Nowhere to be found.