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那部言情电影真是令人泪下如注。That romance movie is a real tear-jerker.

我喜欢惊险片,不喜欢言情影片。I like thrillers but I don't like romances.

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动作电影和言情剧是娱乐大众的,喜剧电影也一样。Action films and epics are for entertainment, as are comedies.

“诗言情”的观点与荀子的性情思想一致。"romantic poetry"is in accord with xunzi's thinking of temperament.

同时,曾巩在创作墓志铭的过程中,往往融叙事、说理、言情于一炉,含情于铭,情深意远。At the same tune, he blended depiction, reasoning and expressing emotion in his epitaphs.

后来的后来,谁会是她生命里的男主角,陪她演一出永不落幕的言情剧。Later, who will be the protagonist of her life, accompany her to play a never ending romantic drama.

电脑游戏、言情肥皂剧和狂欢喝酒对他们的工作习惯和工作态度产生了深远的影响。Video Games, dating drama and binge drinking have severe effects on their work habits and work ethic.

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言情、侦探、恐怖、艳情、古装、武侠等类型成为上海电影市场的主控形态。The genres such as romance, detective, horror, steamy, historical and swordsman dominated the film market in Shanghai.

荀子论诗,既继承了儒家“诗言志”的传统,也认识到“诗言情”的作用。Xunzi of poetry, while carrying on the Confucian"poetry express ambition"tradition and realize that the"romantic poetry".

半新半旧的言情主角身上体现了作者新旧合璧的文化理想,爱情选择中渗透着浓郁的文化选择的意味。Leading actors who combine old and new style in love show that the author tried to combine traditional and modern culture.

爱情的宣告或言情的宣言是极其重要的,但是它的作用仍然是不为人所喜欢!Pronunciamento of affection or enounce of the torch of Hymen is extraordinary significant, yet it's function has remained disagreeable!

从俗的层面来说,其小说中言情成分相较于传统的言情模式已发生了现代性的转换。From the angle of popularity, the sentimental element in his novels have taken on modern changes compared to traditional model of sentiment.

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整体上看,穿越小说是一种集言情、武侠、历史、玄幻等于一身架空历史小说,在写作模式上,与唐传奇中关于梦境的作品的写作方法有某种巧合或渊源。Generally speaking, the Cross-history novel is a fiction which contains history, magic, martial art and love. Its writing mode is similar with the Tang Chuanqi.

而“鸳蝴派”文人包天笑的言情剧创作使“改良”呈现了更为复杂的色彩。On the other hand, Bao Tianxiao, as the literati of the "Mandarin Duck and Butterfly", gave the"reform" a more complex color with his creations of romantic melodrama.

有人说“这个节目是全国神经病的集中地”,也有人认为这个节目是“展现国民素质和言情幽默的偶像大片”。Some people say that "this program is the focus of Neurology", was also suggested that the program is "to show people the quality of romance and humor of the large idols.

从麦尔维尔作品中采用的通俗小说手法入手,尤其是对其在具体作品中采用的讽刺冒险、哥特、城市暴露和言情等通俗小说模式逐一论述。This article is to analyze the specific use of such popular fiction formulas as Satiric Adventure, Gothic, City Expose and Women's fictions in some of his serious novels.

如果心情不好,那就什么地方也不去,打开小说看看轻松的言情剧,只看喜剧不看悲剧。If the mood is not good, that any place does not go, to open the novel to have a look at the relaxed romance play, only looked that the comedy does not look at the tragedy.

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其次,女诗人的自我独白与企求沟通以实现多层次的思想对话,又成为女性两种不同的言情策略和立身姿态。Second, poetesses were provided with two kinds of different tactics of expression on the basis of their soliloquy and conversation in order to promote mutual understanding.

部分网站是通过将武侠、言情等实体书扫描到网上来充实网站内容,而更多的网站则是直接从别的站转载。Partial website is scan through waiting for feeling of knight-errant , talk hypostatic book will enrich website content to the net, and more websites are direct reprint from other station.