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尤达是睿智的绝地大师。Yoda is a wise Jedi Master.

欢迎睿智的意见。Welcoming of sagacious advice.

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他比你年长,也比你更睿智。He is older and wiser than you.

苏人酋长是个很睿智的人。The Sioux chief is a very wise man.

睿智的老女修道院长处在了弥留之际。The wise old Mother Superior was dying.

玛丽聪明睿智。Mary is possessed of great intelligence.

丰满,优雅,阳光,睿智。Plim , grace, bright, sunlight, sagacity.

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她欣赏睿智善良,真诚忠诚的男仕!She appreciate wise good, sincere loyal man!

侥幸的是,陶工又看到了那位睿智的圣人。Luckily, the potter saw the wise saint again.

睿智审判现在是专精技能。Judgements of the Wise is now a primary skill.

它说明爱情是盲目的但是友情是睿智的。that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

感谢你们今天睿智的语言。Thank you for today's repartee. I have enjoyed it.

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那个睿智、懒散、关切、幽默、善辩的他。That wisdom, lazy, concerns, humor, eloquent of him.

两国领导人需要展示出政治家风范,以及睿智。Their leaders have to show statesmanship and wisdom.

我们十分钦佩本书责编睿智而良善的构思。We greatly admire the wise and good book Zebian idea.

睿智的名师精湛的教艺力助中小学朋友迈向新的学习巅峰!Wise skilled teachers will promote you to a new peak!

我相信我们大多数人随着年龄的增长而变得睿智。I believe that most of us get smarter as we get older.

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日本爱知举行的世博会的主题是“自然的睿智”。Japan's aichi world expo is the theme of "natural wisdom".

我想他的诗美妙绝伦而又自然睿智。I think his poems are very beauty, naturalness , and wisdom.

我参加了一个睿智的灵性导师指导的禁语体验营。I went on a silent retreat led by a wise spiritual director.