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停止媒体歪曲!Stop Media Distoring!

别歪曲我说的话。Stop distorting what I've said.

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然而历史事实不容歪曲。But history tolerates no distortion.

她歪曲了所有历史事实。She garbled all the historical facts.

你不应该歪曲事实。You should not palter with the truth.

他经常歪曲事实真相。He ofter takes liberties with the truth.

我认为我并没有歪曲她的论点。I don't think I'm distorting her argument.

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长寿不受自我报告的歪曲。Longevity is not distorted by self-report.

被无赖所歪曲给傻瓜做陷阱Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools

这是不容歪曲的事实。It is a fact which tolerates no distortion.

他在文章中任意歪曲事实。In his article he makes free with the facts.

不要逃避问题或是歪曲事实。Don't evade issues or twist the truth around.

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那个证人歪曲了他的证词。The witness stands unsworn unsworn testimony.

他为达到他自己的目的而歪曲事实。He screwed the facts to suit his own purposes.

我痛恨那个歪曲真相的虚伪计划。I hate that false plan of mutilating the truth.

我们不会容忍他们歪曲事实。We will not tolerate their distorting the fact.

你能宽恕企业家歪曲事实吗?Do you condone truth-twisting for entrepreneurs?

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看电视的习惯会歪曲了时间感。The television habit distorts the sense of time.

真理为啥不可能被歪曲也无法掩饰?Why the truth can't be distorted and covered up?

我有几个歪曲和使用两种不同的研磨。I have several skews and use two different grinds.