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可使用低温垫布熨烫。Low iron on press cloth.

这是低温热源。Here is our colder reservoir.

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低温下干燥迅速。Quick drying at low temperature.

低温使水收缩。Water contracts in cold weather.

低温使金属收缩。Low temperature contracts metals.

高电压会伤电器,无论高温低温。What if high voltage but cool temos?

具有良好的耐低温性能。Good withstand low temperature capability.

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低温的另一个效应表现在金属中。Another effect of coldness appears in metal.

越冬品系具有很强的耐低温能力。The SW have strong ability on cold tolerance.

他们还把它放在低温下保藏。They also keep well at low room temperatures.

低温热源的温度又是多少?What's the temperature of the cold reservoir?

雷恩躺在低温舱冷冷的床铺上。Raine lay down on the cool bed of the cryo pod.

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密封、干燥、低温、避光、防异味。Sealed, dry, microtherm , avoid light and smell.

采用低温和赤霉素处理。Using low temperature and gibberellin treatment.

典型的低温液体钢瓶如图3所示。Fig. 3 shows a typical cryogenic liquid cylinder.

果实低温膨大快,花后三周半上市。Low fruit expands fast, after three weeks listed.

用户外出时可将温控阀调整到低温状态。To ANSI valve can be adjusted to low temperature.

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用一个热水瓶或一个设定为低温的加热垫。Use a hot-water bottle or a heating pad set on low.

应用烧结法成功地合成了高纯度低温堇青石。High-purity low Cordierite is produced by sintering.

这就是低温生物学,当然这办法也有点麻烦。This is called cryogenics, and it has its drawbacks.