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这个清单时不能武断炮制的。The lists just can't be arbitrary.

信托公司今年炮制了大量这类产品。Trust companies have churned out such products this year.

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依法炮制,很快收了八个一元钱。Make by old formula, very quick accepted eight per dollar money.

目的探讨荆芥炭的最佳炮制程度。OBJECTIVE Study on the best processing degree of carbonized catnip.

在炮制疯狂发财计划方面,我们的确有过人才华。We do have a remarkable talent for cooking up crazy get-rich schemes.

目的优化黑豆汁炖何首乌炮制工艺。ObjectiveTo optimize the technologies of processing in Heshouwu braised.

可大卫卡鲁索和其他工作人员炮制出另一个好插曲?Can David Caruso and the rest of the crew crank out another good episode?

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目的研究石仙桃的最佳炮制工艺。OBJECTIVE To study the best processing method of Pholidota chinensis Lindl.

英国乘骑炮兵在伦敦海德公园鸣41炮制经。A 41 gun saluted in London's Hyde Park by the king's troop royal horse artillery.

达赖集团炮制和发表这段视频的意图很清楚。The purpose of the Dalai Clique to fabricate and release the video clip is obvious.

大量的假消息源就这样出现了,据社会活动人士反映,其中一些就是政府当局炮制的。A number of fake feeds were set up, some by the authorities, according to activists.

目的为绵羊颅骨炮制工艺的优化提供依据。Objective To provide the basis for the process optimization of Cranium Ovis Arietis.

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权壳经麸炒后,微量元素的含量有不同程度的变化.为深人研究机壳炮制机理提供了参考依据。It give us a good reference to research the mechanism of stir-frying with wheat bran.

目的优化山茱萸饮片蒸萸肉和酒萸肉的炮制工艺。Objective To optimize the processing technology of decoction pieces of Fructus Corni.

各大商家大量炮制一些华而不实的物品来吸引消费者的目光。Companies churn out snazzy designed products to attract the attention of the customers.

结果炮制前后的花蕊石红外光谱图有明显差异。Results The IR spectrometry of Ophicalcitum was different before and after calcination.

结论选择最佳炮制工艺对于酒制甘肃丹参的制备较为合理。Conclusion It was reasonable to choose the best process condition for wine Gansu Salvia.

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炮制加工对茯苓饮片的化学成分有一定的影响。Processing methods have certain influence on chemical constituents in Poria cocos herbs.

目的探讨微波法炮制萸黄连的最佳炮制工艺。Objective To investigate the optimum techniques for processing Yuhuanlian with microwave.

目的为茜草炭炮制工艺的优化提供依据。ObjectiveTo provide the basis of the technological standardization of Rubia cordifolia L.