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这种砂岩体与走向谷之间与有类似的交角关系。Such sandstones should have similar angular relations to the strike valleys.

并由此发现由于中轴线与切片交角过小会使结果产生较大偏差。We find that error increases when the angle between the axis and the slice decreases.

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莲花水电站四通岔管为一大跨度小交角的地下交叉洞室。The underground intersected chambers have a large span and a small intersection angle.

连接腰围线上的点,使前中心与腰线在侧缝上的交角尽量保持直角。Connect the dots at the waistline, squaring off a short area at the side seam and center front.

坐垫壳体轮廓两端、顶面和侧面的交角为园弧连接。The intersecting angles of two ends, top and sides of cushion enclosure are connected as a round arc.

坐垫壳体轮廓两端、顶面和侧面的交角为园弧连接。The intersecting angles of two ends, top and sides of cushion enclosure are connected with round arc.

阐述了有一定交会时间偏差时,轨道交角的选择情况,并对其进行了仿真计算。The choice of orbit intersection angle is expatiated when time error exists by simulation calculation.

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H交错轴斜齿轮传动是小轴交角情况下空间交错轴传动的一种优良形式。It is shown that S-H crossed-axis helical gears perform a good gear transmission on condition of little axial angle.

结果美貌组下颌平面角较大、前牙唇舌向倾斜度较直、上下切牙长轴交角较大、SNB角78.32度、下前牙唇舌向倾斜度90.89度。The profile with SNB angle of 78.32 degrees and lower incisor inclination of 90.89 degrees were rated as most attractive.

结果表明,当时间偏差足够大时,轨道交角的误差对拦截概率的影响不明显。The results show the influence of interception probability caused by orbit intersection is little when time error is enough big.

结果表明,一般的各向异性介质的地表视电阻率值不仅与测量频率有关,而且与测量方向相对电性主轴的交角有关。The results show that for EDA type anisotropy media the apparent resistivity varies with frequency and observational directions as well.

尖锐的交角和有力的弧线在图面上交错,乍看之下好像是出于某些不明的原因,其实这都是和西扎设计的过程有密切的联系。Sharp corners and sinewy curves are interwoven for an apparently mysterious reason, something that has to do with the very history of the design.

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增加交角、提高出口动量比和保持两枪之间适当的距离都有利于提高混合效果。It is beneficial to the mixing effect by increasing the cross comer and momentum at outlet and keeping an appropriate distance between the two lances.

这意味着他们不但处于不同的高度,轨道也有约10度的交角,没有碰撞的危险。This means that not only were they at different altitudes but also their orbits intersected at about a 10-degree angle. There was no danger of collision.

伸展基底的不均匀伸展可以导致锐交角平分线与伸展方向垂直的共轭剪切变形带。In a basin inhomogeneous basement extension may form a conjugate shearing zones, whose acute angular bisectors are perpendicular to extensional orientation.

对大型金属结构中常见的三向正交角焊缝的焊接过程进行了有限元模拟。The welding process of the common fillet welds along three orthotropic directions for the large-scale metal structure was simulated by finite element method.

在分析船舶航向交角、船速比与船舶相对航向的关系的基础上,得出了船舶避碰的数学模型,并对船舶最近会遇距离值与避让行动幅度的估算方法进行了讨论和误差分。On the basis of the analysis on the heading course, the ratio of speed and the relative course, this paper holds out a math model about anti-collision action.

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轨道交角和交会时的时间偏差影响着拦截卫星对目标卫星的拦截概率。The interception probability of intercept satellite opposed to objective satellite is under the influence of orbit intersection angle and rendezvous time error.

正常萌发者较阻生者有较长而前突的上下颚,较小的下颚骨体下颚枝交角与较前倾的下颚中切齿角度。Compared with the impacted group, the erupted group had anteriorly positioned and larger maxilla and mandible, less ramus-corpus angle and more protrusive lower incisors.

从黄赤交角造成的四季光照度变化,推得太极图中的曲线是两条阿基米德螺线,表征了自然界最基本的周期运动-简谐振动。It is deduced from the rhythm that the curves in Taiji Graph are two Archimedes helices. Taiji Graph reflects the most basic cyclical motion, the simple harmonic vibration.