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皆湮灭在时间日益僵滞的深渊中。In the petrifying abyss of Time.

我们变得日益坚强、更臻完善。We are stronger, and are better.

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我们变得日益坚强,更臻完美。We're stronger and we are better.

但是也反映了某种日益增长的急躁情绪。But it reflects a growing impatience.

一个期待已久的的会议日益临近。A long-expected meeting is approaching.

我们看到全渠道日益明显发展的趋势。We see a growing trend in omni-channel.

由于名气日益远播,渐渐地她有了很多弟子。As her fame grew she had many disciples.

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当今世界是一个日益全球化的世界。Nowadays the world globalizes day by day.

塑料纱管日益增多。Plastic bobbins and tubes are increasing.

来大连旅游的人日益增多。More and more people come to visit Dalian.

爱你日益凋谢的脸上的哀戚。And love the sorrows of your changing face.

中国收入两极分化日益严重。China's incomes are increasingly polarised.

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合作机制日益完善。Cooperation mechanisms have been improving.

其结果将是国际局势日益紧张。The result is rising international tension.

中国将变得日益郊区化。China will become increasingly suburbanized.

它的消息是情绪日益增长。Its message is an evergrowing emotional one.

祝愿贵国日益繁荣昌盛。We wish your country evergrowing prosperity.

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我必须开始温习功课了—期末考试在日益临近。I must start reviewing—final exam is looming.

中国的家庭冷暴力问题日益突出。Emotional abuse is a growing problem in China.

索耶说,风能正得到日益广泛的应用。Use of wind power is on the rise, Sawyer said.