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如果眼睫毛非常稀薄的话,再涂上一层厚厚的睫毛膏。If your lashes are very light, add a coat of black mascara.

喝嘿在吃马克西姆奶奶做的鹅肝酱,眼睫毛太长了!Jorge is eating goose liver sauce. His eyelash are too long!

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用卷睫毛器夹上眼睫毛,然后涂上睫毛膏。Curl your upper eyelashes with the eyelash curler, and then apply the mascara.

佩吉,向那个酒吧男招待员眨眨眼睫毛,请他给我们拿饮料来。Flutter your eyelashes at the barman. Peggy, and ask him to serve us with drinks.

这位奶妈说,她起来了,眼睫毛都被泪水沾湿了。She had risen, as the nurse said, and the lashes of her eyes were wet with tears.

憩让眼睫毛看起来长一点,你需要一只好的睫毛膏和一个睫毛夹。To make your eyelashes look longer, you need a good mascara and an eyelash curler.

但粉不要涂得过后,不要让你的眼睫毛看起来像蜘蛛的腿一样。Do not cake on a layer of extra face and make your eye lashes look like spider legs.

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独特的快干及防水配方,使眼睫毛持久保持洁净立体的妆容。Special fast-drying and water-resistant formula produces a clean and dimensional effect.

讨论了去除眼皮、眼睫毛及光斑干扰的方法。A solution to cope with eyelashes, eyelids and glints in the pupil area was also discussed.

老喝得半醉,苍白的面孔上露出讥笑——但脑袋倒很漂亮,不过眼睫毛太多。A half-paralysed white sneering fellow--rather handsome head, but eyes with a lot of lashes.

倒睫是指眼睑向内翻转而使得眼睫毛与眼球表面相互摩擦。Trichiasis is a condition in which the eyelid turns inward and eyelashes rub against the eye.

这就是那带给我们胰岛素、眼睫毛和浣熊的必不可少的精灵吗?Is this the same vital spirit that brought us insulin, eyelashes, and raccoons in the first place?

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当你爱上某人时,你的眼睫毛会跳上跳下,小星星会从你身上冒出来。“When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you.” — Karen, age 7

当我早晨发现有一杯热腾腾的咖啡、而我的眼睫毛也掉进咖啡里面、这太奇妙了!When I was found to have a cup of hot coffee, and my eyelash also fell into coffee inside, this fantastic!

黑色睫毛膏是极其神奇的,它会使你的眼睫毛变黑、延长,眼睛更加漂亮迷人。Black mascara darkens and lengthens your eye lashes, framing your eyes beautiful. Black mascara is dramatic.

因此,你仍可以拥有更长,更浓,看起来更乌黑的眼睫毛以及抢眼的眉毛,而不用担心会有副作用。So you still get longer, fuller, darker-looking lashes and shapelier brows without the negative side effects.

长颈鹿面善而动人,褐色的大眼睛长着浓密的眼睫毛,保护眼睛免受灰尘的伤害。A giraffe's face is gentle and appealing, with big brown eyes that have thick lashes to protect them from dust.

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在这段日子里,杰克一看见点燃的蜡烛就会许愿,掉了一根眼睫毛会许愿,对着一朵盛开的蒲公英也会许愿。During that period of our lives, he made wishes whenever candles were lighted, and on eyelashes and fluffy dandelions.

苔丝的眼睫毛上,也挂满了由漂浮的雾气凝结而成的细小钻石,她的头发上的水珠,也好像一颗颗珍珠一样。Minute diamonds of moisture from the mist hung, too, upon Tess's eyelashes, and drops upon her hair, like seed pearls.

米奇的脚踝缠着湿透了的鞋带,眼睫毛上也挂上了闪闪的冰霜,她使劲地把脚上的冰鞋脱下来。Mikey’s soggy laces tangled around her ankles. Blinking sleet from her eyelashes, she struggled to get out of her skates.