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试问这样一份丧权辱国的条约谁给接受?。How can such a treaty be accepted?

试问,有多少作家能如此彻底呢?About how many writers can this be said?

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试问你动用你的想象力干了什么?What are you using your imagination for?

试问自己哪件事是实实在在有价值的。Ask yourself which items have true value.

试问,足球与翱翔于蓝天有什么共同点?What have football and flying got in common?

试问谁能抗拒家乡的南瓜饼的味道?But who among us can resist homemade pumpkin pie?

不禁试问,未来一年跌势到底何时是个头?The question for the coming year? How low is low?

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试问见到阁下的尊容,谁还有胃口来吃东西啊?。How can I have appetite when I see your appearance?

试问还能否找到至亲和老屋?Could you still find your family and your old house?

试问我们最后一次逛街、看戏是什么时候?Asked we last time do window-shop, when see a play are?

可试问,这世上有多少人食不知味、睡不安枕呀。May ask, how many people dull this world, sleep can not rest.

试问,欧洲的孩子们能做到么?And you have to ask yourself, would European children do that?

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现在,试问有没有其他的公司做到这一点?Now, show me another company that teaches English in this way?

试问,不花钱你可能买到一个微笑,一句问候,一丁点儿恻隐之心?Can you buy a smile, a greeting or a particle of sympathy without money?

那试问出事情的时候,是该找台籍主管负责呢!It Is a thing, is that the Taiwanese director is responsible to find it!

想象一下我试问自己,作为我的圆珠笔的感觉“Imagine that I try to ask myself, "What's it like to be my ball point pen?"

试问天下没有女人,就生出这些人来么?Ask yourself this, if the world does not have women, can these people be born?

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在即将挥别过去十年之际,试问中国最流行的网络语录是哪一句?What are China's most popular online terms as we approach the end of the decade?

如果一个公关人员羞羞答答的,试问她怎能执行其任务?。If a public relation officer is as shy as Daphne, how can she carry out her duty?

我们亲手编织的欲望之网,结结实实的绑架了我们的人生,试问你到底是谁?We hand-woven web of desire, the kidnapped our lives, how can you who in the end?