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你的主菜好了,先生。Here is your entree , sir.

对于主菜有什么建议呢?Any Suggestion for the main Course?

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你想要点什么主菜呢?What would you like for your entree ?

在上主菜前先来个大份的色拉。Have a big salad before the main course.

不要吃添有大量酱料的主菜。Stay away from entrees with heavy sauces.

主菜通常是带馅火鸡。The main dish is often turkey with stuffing.

对克拉丽莎来说,主菜只是是个开头。For Clarissa, the entree is just the beginning.

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甚至他们还可能要前菜和主菜。They might even have starters and a main course.

主菜将是一整条清炖鲑鱼。The main course was to be a whole poached salmon.

您可以从安装程序主菜单中重试。You may retry it from the installation main menu.

我们在小炉子煮了一桌有五个主菜的丰盛大餐。We cooked a five-course meal on that little stove.

蔬菜汤作主菜或者前菜A vegetable soup as the main course or as a starter

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尝试制作沙拉和自制汤、主菜。Try making salad and home-made soup your main course.

在通常为海鲜的第一道主菜前是一道汤。And then is the soup before the entree, usually seafood.

然后在主菜单的“电视”下点击“直播电视设置”。From the main menu under TV scroll over to Live TV Setup.

第二道主菜是炖小牛肘,味道更鲜美。The second main course of ossobuco was even better though.

西方人在享用主菜前要先喝汤。Western people drink soup before enjoying the main course.

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用用户标识和密码登录到主菜单。Logging on with user ID and password to get to the main menu.

以上主菜均含汤,面包,自助式甜点,咖啡或红茶。Each Main Course Serve with Soup, Bread, Dessert, Coffee or Tea.

等了超过一小时我们的主菜才上桌。It took more than an hour to serve the main course at our table.