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在海水里嬉戏,And play in the water.

骑士们骑马比武,嬉戏作乐。Knights joust and frolic.

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湖面上鸭群在嬉戏。Ducks are sporting on the lake.

雨云再度前来嬉戏。Rain clouds come to play again.

小羊在地里嬉戏。The lambs frolicked in the field.

时而一群少女嬉戏。Sometimes a troop of damsels glad.

有人对浅滩上嬉戏玩耍的狗徒然呼喊--查理!Someone calling in vain — 'Charlie!

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我们在山顶处嬉戏玩耍了一会。We frolicked and played for a while.

在候车的时候不要嬉戏打闹。No horseplay while waiting for the bus.

他看到孩子们嬉戏而微笑。He smiled to see the children's frolics.

那儿有很多嬉戏蹦跳的儿童。There are many children gamboling around.

游客晒着日光浴在海水里嬉戏。Tourists sunbathe and frolic in the ocean.

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孩子们在果园里嬉戏。The children were skylarking in the forest.

孩子们在果园里嬉戏。The children were skylarking in the orchard.

羔在田野里跳跃嬉戏。The lambs were capering about in the fields.

因为那曾与我一起在草地上嬉戏的女孩。For the girl I have in that merry green land.

因为那个曾与我一起在草地上嬉戏的女孩。For the girl U have in that merry green land.

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所以,请跳动起来吧,去树上追逐你的邻居嬉戏吧。So, hop up and chase your neighbor up a tree.

孩子们在游泳池里嬉戏。Children frolicked about in the swimming-pool.

汤姆把他的女儿在游乐场嬉戏的镜头拍摄了下来。Tom filmed his daughter playing in the funfair.