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下面就是线性的威力。Here is the power of linearity.

复利如何发挥时间威力。How does it compound over time?

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别小看复利的威力。The power of compound interest.

⊙、危难无所顾,威力无所畏。Distress by gu, power without fear.

无情的寒霜再加秋风的威力。Unpitying frosts, and Autumn's power.

谁还想体验我利刃的威力?Who shall be next to taste my blades!

通过以下这个例子,你就能明白复利的威力。Here’s the power of compound interest.

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在暴风雨的威力下树被吹弯了。The trees were bending before the storm.

但是美国不能单靠我们的军事威力。And we can't count on military might alone.

这是本秘技中威力最大的一招。This is the most powerful step of them all.

是一个波浪,和你的威力同喘息A wave to pant beneath thy power , and share

唉、你又还没见识过它的威力。Ahh, but you haven't seen what it'll do yet.

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使风暴表面冷却,减弱削弱风暴的威力。This cools the surface and weakens the storm.

少数坚持到最后的小兵会变得威力无比A few makes it to the end and becomes powerful

地基或舰基装备可构成更大的威力。Ground- or ship-based kit can draw more power.

虽然上周的核爆炸威力堪比广岛。In spite of its Hiroshima-sized blast this week.

它的威力可是比日珥大多了。Its power, but most of the more than prominence.

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这个模型的威力就在于它的可扩展性。The power of this model is in its extensibility.

皇爷,就是因为书生夺命剑威力太惊人。Your Majesty, since my 'Evil Sword' is powerful.

坚强一些,威力事物自会来助你。Be bold, and mighty forces will come to your aid.