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请用12号字体、双倍行距的名目。Be double-spaced in 12 point font.

这份报告长达100多页,而且还是单行行距。It runs more than 100 pages, single-spaced.

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过小的行距会让文字看起来拥挤。Too little leading can make the text look crowded.

公式编辑器中的行距不要改动,默认即可。Do not change the line-width in the Equation Editor.

要留出适当的页边距,所列的工作之间也该留出适当的行距。Leave white space in the margins and in between jobs.

它们应该是大约以12-15字型和两倍行距的页面呈现。They should be about 12-15 typed double-spaced pages.

论文稿应为电脑列印,双倍行距等。Essay manuscripts should be typewritten, double-spaced, etc.

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不同行距引起大豆生长竞争。Growing soybean in different row-spacings introduces competition.

当我看到它们的时候,我彻底的被它们的行距和列距震惊了。When I saw them, I totally shocked by the line distance and row distance.

大部分商务信函的行距为单行,段落之间用双行。Most business letters are single-spaced with double spaces between the paragraphs.

请确保您的工作是1.5行行距,只在纸的一面上键入。Please make sure your work is 1.5 lines spaced, typed on one side of the paper only.

我们还是规定八页,双倍行距,但不能超过2500字。So we're still looking for eight pages,double spaced, but not to exceed 2,500 words.

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如果你使用的是两倍行距,12号字,就要写三到四页,大概1000字左右。If you double space, 1000 words in 12-point font covers between three and four pages.

这是背光,以及大量的按钮,以及行距,并易于阅读在黑暗中。It is backlit , and the buttons are large, well-spaced, and easy to read in the dark.

一点行距就可以大幅度地提高你文档的易读性。A little extra leading can sometimes dramatically improve the legibility of your text.

她在螺旋线圈本上做满了笔记,记下有关字体、行距以及十几种其他功能的操作方法。Her spiral book filled up with notes about fonts, spacing and a dozen other functions.

十诫只有五条,排版时用大字体、双倍行距。The Ten Commandments are actually only five, double-spaced, and written in a large font.

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在调整文本大小时,假设图像的大小是基本行距倍数。When text sizing, assume that the size of an image should be a multiple of the basic leading.

行距是两个连续文本行的基线之间的垂直距离。The line spacing is the vertical distance between the base lines of two consecutive lines of text.

论文中其他汉字一律采用小四号宋体字,行距用单倍行距。Other characters in papers Times New Roman, shall be by small four number with single-spaced pages.