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然而,这也可能仅仅只是个烟幕弹。It may also be a smokescreen.

我想知道他们在放什么烟幕弹。I wonder what they're smoking.

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放烟幕弹,让我找找你们的位置。Pop some smoke and let me see your location.

街道上出现骚乱时投放了烟幕弹。Smoke bombs were thrown during the street riots.

防暴警察向人群中投掷了催泪瓦斯罐和烟幕弹。Riot police hurled tear gas canisters and smoke bombs into the crowd.

不少烟幕弹在空中炸开,让加沙城等地上空弥漫着白色硝烟。And Gaza city is filled with white smoke, when some shells explode in the air.

烟幕弹用于开阔地或者街巷的隐蔽。Smoke grenades are used for concealment while moving over open areas such as streets.

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可装备猎杀导弹,探照灯,伪装网和烟幕弹。Can be upgraded with hunter-killer missiles, searchlights, camo netting and smoke launchers.

扔烟幕弹,麻痹、致盲你的敌人很短的一段时间。Throw down a smokescreen to stun enemies and blind them to your presence for a short duration.

烟幕弹作为一种性价比高的装备广泛地应用在地面红外对抗领域。As a high performance-cost ratio equipment, IR screen is widely used in ground IR countermeasure field.

并对多次仿真结果进行了统计分析,获得了烟幕弹战斗使用的一般规律。The common regulation in the smoke bomb battle is available through the statistics analysis of the simulation result.

在训练场附近最终点燃了焰火和烟幕弹,球队的全体队员中只有丹尼尔·德罗西受到了欢呼。Fireworks and smoke bombs were set off at the latter, and of all the team's players only Daniele De Rossi was actively cheered.

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与此同时,非欧佩克成员国的俄罗斯所承诺的协调减产一直都是烟幕弹,现在也似乎即将完全消散。Meanwhile, non-member Russia's commitment to cut output in solidarity, always a smokescreen , appears to be dissipating entirely.

银行四个电动烟幕弹发射器安装任何一方的前方部分募集上层建筑。A bank of four electrically operated smoke grenade launchers is mounted either side of the forward part of the raised superstructure.

沃尔克当年在国会听证会上叼着雪茄娓娓道来的景象,正是他回答议员们有关利率的提问时大放烟幕弹的典型一幕。Mr. Volcker's cigar-chomping performances on Capitol Hill were seen as a metaphor for the smokescreens he threw up to questions about interest rates. Mr.

本文对烟幕弹参数指标室外测量方法作了介绍,对烟幕遮蔽性能测量方法作了详细研究。The methods are introduced for measuring the performance indexes of smoke bomb. We also studied the experimental test methods of smoke disturbing effect.

这种方法解决了综合评定烟幕性能的若干问题,为研制烟幕弹或发烟装置提供了一种分析方法或思维方式。This new method can be used to assess integrally the performance of smoke screen. It also provides a reference for the development of smoke bomb and smoke device.

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施放烟幕是对抗光电制导武器的重要手段,烟幕遮蔽性能是烟幕弹一个最主要测试指标。Smoke discharging is one of the important means for opposing photoelectric guided weapons. The smoke disturbing effect is an important index for evaluating the performance of the smoke bomb.

当受到红外干扰措施的对抗时,在其导引头视场中,还将包含红外诱饵弹或红外烟幕弹等爆炸燃烧后的红外图像。When it is counteracted by IR interference measures, the field of view within the guiding head also consists of IR image produced by explosion and burning of IR decoy missile or IR smoke shell.

专家指出,以军使用的M825A1白磷弹主要是作为烟幕弹设计制造的,其作为燃烧弹的效果相当有限。The M825A1 rounds, which are the kind identified as being fired by Israeli forces, are made primarily for use as a smokescreen in a way that limits their effect as an incendiary weapon, experts say.