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这是较容易觉察到的。This is easy to observe.

她觉察到他正在放弃求生。She sensed he was giving up.

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她觉察出了原力的波动。She detected ripples in the Force.

他觉察到了她深切的痛苦。He perceived the depth of her pain.

然而,我们能够觉察到它的踪迹。However, we can detect traces of it.

我觉察她话音里带着同情。I detected a note of pity in her voice.

我们觉察到危险正向我们逼近。We became aware of danger approaching us.

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核心价值第一阶段是关于重新发现和觉察的。CV1.0 is about Re-discovery and Awareness.

绘画使他觉察到艺术美。Drawing awakened him to the beauty of art.

灵魂不能被觉察对不对呢?Is it true that the soul can't be detected?

你能觉察出他们之间有对立情绪。You could sense the antagonism between them.

我唯一能够觉察到的是一股气能量。And all I could detect was this energy. Energy.

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他并没有觉察到自己已面临险境。He was little alive to the dangerous situation.

为何人们会对于自己的不能觉察而如此“无知”呢?Why are people so unaware of their unawareness?

一氧化碳不易被人的感觉器官所觉察。CO is not readily perceived by the human senses.

我太困了以致无法觉察出有多冷。I was too sleepy to be aware of how cold it was.

他觉察出这对夫妇不太和睦。He noted the disharmony between husband and wife.

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因此觉察是某种不可培养的东西。So awareness is something that is not cultivable.

我认为他觉察出来,因为他开始讲话。I guess he sensed that, because he started to talk.

就像一只松鼠突然觉察到自己被人盯住。Like a squirrel suddenly aware it is being looked at.