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田野穿上绯红色的衣袍。The field a scarlet gown.

一个鲜明的选择,在第一绯红。A stark choice, at first blush.

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她羞愧得两颊绯红。She flushed crimson with shame.

她激动得脸绯红。Her face flamed with excitement.

在那片绯红色天空上,黑色的天月高高悬挂着。The black moon hung in the crimson sky.

凯瑟琳脸上绯红,再次否认。Catherine coloured, and disclaimed again.

他离开时,我看到他的脸上燃起一片绯红。When he left, I saw his face with a crimson.

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火焰的舌尖舔卷着绯红色的天空。The apex of the flames licked the crimson sky.

苹果的脸颊刷的绯红色女刷刷或等量。Brush the apple of the cheeks with the Nu Colour?

映照她绯红的脸庞,和她一同叹息悲伤。To reflect back her blushes and give sigh for sigh.

十二件布匹、四条绯红色头巾、六顶帽子。He wore a woolly hat with a little red bobble on top.

渔夫希望自己可以吃完这盘绯红色的鱼。The fisherman wishes to finish the dish of reddish fish.

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“绯红体现了一种独特的现代感,”女士说皮泰拉。"Blush embodies a unique modern feel, " said Ms. Pitera.

金黄色和绯红色的灌木,火一般的颜色,鲜艳夺目。The bushes,golden and crimson,glowed with the color of fire.

梦中的风光比银白海洋旁边绯红的宝塔更加旖旎艳丽。A dream is more romantic than scarlet pagodas by a silver sea.

她的脸被太阳晒得绯红,起泡的手掌也绽裂了。Her face was crimson with sunburn and her blistered palms raw.

一位面颊绯红、一副乡下贵族打扮的老妇人出现在门口。An older woman, pink-cheeked and tweedy, appeared in the doorway.

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他们污蔑她时,她满脸绯红。She turned as red as a beetroot when they befouled her reputation.

皮肤苍白,两颊绯红,眼部是两个洞。The skin is pallid, the cheeks touched with pink. The eyes are holes.

嘉莉的脸颊烧得绯红。她的嘴唇有些颤抖。Carrie's cheek burned with a crimson heat. Her lips trembled a little.