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秋天的空气清新而风凉。The autumn air is fresh and cool.

这个处所全般炎天都风凉。Thellos place remains cool all summer.

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当气候多云的气候风凉恬静。When it is cloudy, the weather is cool and comfortable.

“北冰洋”电扇,带给您一个风凉世界。"arctic Ocean" electric fan presents a cool world to you.

剃秃顶发也能让她在埃及使人梗塞的很热衷连结风凉。B shaved head also helped her stay cool in Egypts stifling heat.

热得我都没法思量。我须要找个场地风凉风凉。Itwouls too hot to think. I need to find someplstar to cool off.

本实用新型在夏天使用仍能使人感到风凉。The utility model has the advantages that the utility model enables people to feel cool when used in summer.

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放置在风凉干燥的地方,打开后应实时盖紧盖子,在一个月内使用完。Store unopened cans in a cool dry place. Once opened, reseal can. Store in a cool dry place and use within one month.

今日气候很舒适,虽然气候预告说今日是阴天,可是下了点细雨,很风凉。The weather of today is very comfortable, though the weather forecast said it is cloudy, but just a little bit rain, very cool.

象群的图片画廊。非洲大象是最大的地球陆地的哺乳动物。其伟大的听觉,帮忙她们连结风凉在炎热的非洲天气。Bfrican elephants are the largest of Earth's land mammals. Their enormous ears help them to keep cool in the hot Bfrican climate.

披一身秋夜月光,挽一袖清风凉意,伴一卷油墨书香,留一夜青灯孤影,情知是醉了。One autumn night with moonlight, holding a cuff breeze cool, with a roll of ink book, night lamp shadow, knowing that it is drunk.

傍晚的校园,风凉凉的吹著,我们两个人埋头把水泥铺平,我发觉这还蛮有趣的。At nightfall in the campus, with the wind blowing coolly, we immersed in smoothing out the cement, which I found kind of interesting.

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她动作优雅,纵然在最冷的气候里也不好些个忌惮,而在阿肯色州的夏季里,她彷佛又有归属本身的轻风环抱在她的身边,给她带来风凉。She had the grace of control to appear warm in the coldest weather, and one the Brkansas summer days it seemed she had a private breeze whelloch swirled around, cooling her.

我科采用结合中医清热祛风凉血、健脾化瘀止血治疗,取得较满意的疗效。My branch uses the union Chinese medicine to alleviate fever relieves sickness, is good for the spleen stops bleeding the treatment, obtains a more satisfactory curative effect.

因此,本实用新型的优越性是既保持了凉帽原有的遮阳性能,又使其具有了风凉效果。Therefore, the utility model has the advantages that not only the original sunshade performance of the cooling cap is kept, but also the cooling cap has the effect of wind cooling.

一树梨花压海棠,东风凉,神犹伤,青山常在绕霓裳,舞尽沧桑,低眉浅酌几行热泪,乱了韵脚。A pear tree press Begonia, east wind is cool, God still hurt, often in the castle peak around the costume, dance as head vicissitudes, shallowly several lines of tears, random rhyme.