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金钱豹改变不了斑点。A leopard cannot change its spots.

金钱豹永远改变不了身上的斑点。A leopard never changes its spots.

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树皮就像金钱豹的皮一样。Its bark looks like the leopard skin patterns.

金钱豹有锋利的爪子,用来捕食。Leopards have the sharp claw, uses for to prey on.

对于那些谁从下面安装另一家金钱豹!For those who installed from beneath ANOTHER LEOPARD!

华尔街上,索罗斯犹如一头金钱豹,一旦时机成熟,行动极其敏捷。Wall, Soros is like a leopard, when the time comes, very quick action.

报道称,德意志银行将担任金钱豹此次IPO的簿记行。Reports say, deutsche bank will chair the bookkeeping did the IPO leopard.

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国家级重点保护动物48种,如金钱豹、香獐等。State-level key protect animals 48 kinds, like leopard, musk deer and so on.

眉州东坡、红莲烤鸭店、金钱豹、辣亦有道等都是非常有名的饭店。Meizhou Dongpo, HL Duck, Jin Qianbao, spicy Road are also very well-known hotel.

白肩雕、金雕、斑羚、金钱豹等均属珍贵之列。White shoulders carved, golden eagle, goral , leopard, etc. the list is valuable.

它必须让香格莉找到令一只雄金钱豹,这样让它们结成配偶。It must be made to the Hong Geli found a male leopard, which allow them to form a spouse.

说明了建立金钱豹血液生理生化指标的必要性。The results indicated that it is very important to build blood index for Chinese leopard.

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此外,游客在这里还可以看到狮子、猎豹、金钱豹、大象、长颈鹿、野牛、斑马、羚羊等野生动物。In addition, visitors here can see lions, cheetah, Jin Qianbao, elephant, giraffe, buffalo, zebra, antelope, and other wild animals.

其中有国家一级保护动物褐马鸡,二级保护动物金钱豹、黑颧、金雕等。Among them, the protection of animals at the national level Crossoptilon II protected animals leopard, black malar, such as golden eagles.

据金钱豹的网站显示,该酒店餐饮集团旗下拥有美食百汇、龙会所、国际会议中心、金璨婚礼、外烩五个子品牌。According to the web site showed that the leopard with food and beverage group division at parkway, dragon club, international conference center, gold Can weddings, five of his brand.

金钱豹2003年进驻上海,目前全国各营业点已多达十数个,覆盖城市包括上海、北京、天津、沈阳和河南。The stewed In 2003, leopard entered Shanghai each outlet the whole country at present already up to ten, covering cities including Shanghai next, Beijing, tianjin, shenyang and henan.

血液指标是反映动物生理机能和健康状况的重要指标,为了解和掌握圈养金钱豹的血液生理生化指标,测定了56头次金钱豹的40项血液生理生化值,并按年龄和性别进行分组比较。In order to understand the blood index of captive Chinese leopard, we examined 40-blood indexes from 56 Chinese leopards and compared the index by grouping them according to the age and gender.