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一阵唧唧喳喳的说话声。A babble of voices.

你听那群猴子唧唧喳喳的叫声。Listen to the jabber of those monkeys.

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唧唧喳喳的声音渐渐地平静了。The chatter of voices gradually quietened.

麻雀在花园中唧唧喳喳地叫。The sparrows are chattering in the garden.

唧唧喳喳地道着晚安。Hark, 'tis the sparrows' good-night twitter

小鸡唧唧喳喳,数绵羊也睡不着。Chicks cheep and can't count sheep to sleep.

女学生们在上学途中唧唧喳喳地说个不停。The schoolgirls chippered on their way to school.

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屋里会合着100人唧唧喳喳的声音。The room resonated with the chatter of 100 people.

当我们再加饲料的时候,小鸟就唧唧喳喳叫个不停。The birds peeped exactly as we refilled the feeder.

时报广场区非常棒,这附近唧唧喳喳的谈话声噪音对香港来说也很典型。Time square area is amazing, the buzz around here is typical of HKG.

麻雀是一只不讨人喜欢的小鸟。它整天唧唧喳喳,喜欢拨弄是非。The Sparrow is not a likesome bird. He is babbling all day long and likes to stir things up.

大雁飞回来了,听得到小鸟在树枝上唧唧喳喳,像是在讨论新的一年里的计划。Great back, hear the birds twitter in the branches , such as in the new year to discuss plans.

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麻雀在庭院中的桌子旁飞来飞去,时而偷食着面包渣,时而欢愉的唧唧喳喳叫着。Sparrows flitted about the tables in the courtyard, stealing bits of bread and chirping happily.

除了上班,我把自己完全封闭了,不再唧唧喳喳的说话,也不再呵呵的笑了。Apart from work, I put myself completely closed, no chatter of words, no longer the laughing Ha ha.

欺骗你另一半的借口,人们可以唧唧喳喳说出一堆,都是老掉牙,行不通,更别指望能让相信了。其中最烂的,肯定要属“我没把持住”。excuses for cheating on your significant other, the "I couldn't help it" ploy has got to be the worst.

打个比方说,当我们听到一只鸟在唧唧喳喳地叫时,它的每次发声之间都有大约十分之一秒的间隔。Let's say you are listening to a chirping bird. Two of its chirps are separated by a tenth of a second.

正在这时,恰巧有一群小孩也来看茶花,一个个仰着鲜红的小脸,甜蜜蜜地笑着,唧唧喳喳叫个不休。Just then, up came a troop of children, laughing and chattering They raised their rosy faces to look at the flowers.

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每个人都是脸无表情,除了几个不明世理的少男少女大声唧唧喳喳外,都保持着沉默。Everyone face expressionless, except for a few boys and girls who unknown reasons of world and loud twitter things, are silent.

再加上与爱丽同行的一对活宝负鼠兄弟,个性鲜明,唧唧喳喳。In addition and loves Li the colleague pair of funny guy didelphis lanigera Brother, the individuality is bright, chirp grasps.

那妇人家从下层甲板上的货箱和棉花包中向前走去,最后坐定下来,唧唧喳喳地忙著哄她的娃娃。The woman walked forward among the boxes and bales of the lower deck, and, sitting down, busied herself with chirruping to her baby.